Lured Into A Trap

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The streets of Slateport City were awash with chaos. Buildings trembled from the recent earthquake, and the city's once vibrant atmosphere was replaced by a sense of urgency and fear. Brendan and Mayu navigated their way through the debris-laden roads, their eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of Captain Stern or the rogue Team Aqua member, Shelly.

Suddenly, a loud crash echoed through the city, drawing their attention to the Slateport Shipyard. Thick plumes of smoke billowed into the sky, obscuring their vision. Without a second thought, they sprinted towards the source, their hearts pounding with adrenaline.

As they approached the shipyard, the silhouette of the Moby Dick Submarine loomed ominously in front of them. Shelly, her back to them, was hurriedly typing commands into the submarine's control panel, her face contorted with determination.

"Brendan," Mayu whispered, her voice filled with concern, "we need to stop her."

Brendan nodded, his eyes never leaving Shelly. "I'll create a distraction. You get ready to confront her."

With a deep breath, Brendan launched a Pokeball into the air, releasing his Sceptile. The powerful Pokemon roared, its gaze fixed on Shelly. The distraction worked, catching Shelly off guard.

Seizing the opportunity, Mayu sprinted towards the submarine, her Banette materializing beside her. "Shelly!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the shipyard.

Shelly whirled around, her eyes widening in surprise. "You? What are you doing here?"

Ignoring her question, Mayu demanded, "Where's Captain Stern?"

A sly grin spread across Shelly's face. "Why don't you find out for yourself?" With that, she pressed a button, and the submarine's engines roared to life. The Moby Dick began to move, slowly at first, then picking up speed as it headed towards the open sea.

Brendan rushed to Mayu's side, his expression grim. "We need to follow her. If she reaches Lilycove with that submarine, who knows what she'll do."

Mayu nodded in agreement, her eyes filled with determination. "Let's go."

Without wasting another moment, they sprinted towards the nearest dock, where Brendan's Pelipper awaited. As they boarded the Pokemon, Brendan shouted, "To Lilycove! And fast!"

The Pelipper took off, soaring through the sky with incredible speed. Below them, the vast ocean stretched out, its waves crashing against the shore. In the distance, the Moby Dick Submarine was visible, its silhouette growing smaller as it approached Lilycove.

As they neared their destination, Mayu turned to Brendan, her voice filled with concern. "Do you think we can stop her in time?"

Brendan, his gaze fixed on the submarine, replied, "We have to. The safety of Hoenn depends on it."

The journey felt like an eternity, every passing second filled with tension and anticipation. Finally, Lilycove's skyline came into view, and the Pelipper descended, landing near the city's bustling harbor.

Without wasting a moment, Mayu and Brendan disembarked, their eyes scanning the area for any sign of Shelly or the submarine. They quickly made their way through the crowded streets, heading towards the Team Aqua hideout rumored to be located in the city.

As they approached the hideout, they noticed a group of Team Aqua grunts standing guard outside. With a nod, Brendan and Mayu launched into action, their Pokemon battling fiercely against the opposing team.

After a heated battle, the grunts were defeated, allowing Brendan and Mayu to enter the hideout. Inside, they found Shelly, her expression one of triumph as she stood beside the Moby Dick Submarine.

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