Time To Act

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The evening air was cool, a gentle breeze rustling through the trees as Mayu stepped out of the Pokémon Center. She was lost in thought, her mind still reeling from her conversation with Liza, when a familiar voice called out to her.


She turned to see Brendan approaching, a cheerful grin on his face. However, his eyes quickly scanned the area, noting the absence of Raiden. "Where's Raiden? I thought he'd be with you."

"He had some business to attend to with Dr. Emeka," Mayu replied, her voice tinged with concern. "He should be back soon."

Brendan's eyes sparkled with mischief. "Well, while you're waiting, how about joining me for dinner? My treat."

Before Mayu could respond, Riyu, who had been hovering nearby, chimed in with a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Really, Brendan? Trying to steal my trainer's attention like that?"

Brendan chuckled, scratching the back of his head sheepishly. "Sorry, Riyu. I just thought Mayu could use some company."

Mayu smiled, touched by Brendan's gesture. "It's okay, Riyu. What do you say, Brendan? Lead the way."

Grinning, Brendan gestured towards a nearby restaurant, its warm glow inviting against the evening backdrop. "After you."

As they entered the restaurant, the aroma of delicious food filled the air, making Mayu's stomach growl in anticipation. They were quickly seated at a cozy corner table, the soft lighting creating a serene atmosphere.

As Mayu and Brendan settled into their seats, engrossed in their conversation, the soft chime of the restaurant's entrance bell caught their attention. A familiar figure stepped inside, looking slightly hesitant as he scanned the room. It was Wally, his eyes widening in surprise as they landed on Mayu.

"Wally!" Mayu exclaimed, waving him over. "Over here!"

As Wally approached, a sheepish grin spread across his face. "Mayu, I didn't expect to see you both here. Who's this?"

"Wally, this is Brendan," Mayu introduced with a cheerful smile. "Brendan, Wally's a friend from Petalburg."

Brendan extended a hand, his eyes sizing up Wally. "Nice to meet you, Wally. Mayu's told me a bit about you."

Wally shook Brendan's hand, a hint of surprise in his eyes. "It's good to meet you too, Brendan."

Riyu, who had been observing the exchange with keen interest, chimed in. "Wally, why don't you join us? We were just about to order."

Wally hesitated, glancing between Mayu, Brendan, and Riyu. "Well, if you're sure it's no trouble..."

Mayu waved him off with a grin. "Of course not! The more the merrier."

As they settled into their seats, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Wally shared tales of his recent adventures in Petalburg, while Brendan recounted his experiences traveling through Hoenn's various routes and towns. Mayu and Riyu listened attentively, occasionally interjecting with questions or comments.

Just as their laughter and chatter reached a crescendo, the soft chime of the restaurant's entrance bell signaled another arrival. All eyes turned to see Raiden, looking slightly disheveled but otherwise unharmed.

"Raiden!" Mayu exclaimed, rising from her seat. "You're here!"

Raiden offered her a reassuring smile, making his way over to the table. "I heard you were here and thought I'd join you."

Brendan raised an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. "Well, well. If it isn't the elusive Raiden. I've missed you."

Raiden chuckled, extending a hand towards Brendan. "And I've missed you too, Brendan. It's good to finally meet."

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