Chapter 50

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"Where to Andre"? Sam asked me minutes after putting the car in drive
"Hospital"? He asked and I just shook my head

"No no, we can't go to a hospital, home, take us home" I answered still holding her in the back, Adrianna was sitting in the front seat with Sam.
She had stopped shaking and was just moving momentarily.

Sam continued driving towards our house, I looked back at her, her head on my thighs, she was still bleeding from her nose, she stirred and I stroked her hair gently.

How much of her powers did she use tonight? And why?
There are two reasons why Judy doesn't use her powers.
One she might lose control and hurt someone or herself.
Two if she pushes too many people at once, she goes into shock.

I noticed she wasn't wearing her gloves, which means she knew she'd use her powers tonight, she meant to use them.

I felt her body tense and she started shaking again, uncontrollably
I quickly put her on her side.

"Stay with me Judy" I whispered while stroking her hair
"Can you drive any faster Sam" I yelled looking up at him and he just nodded and drove faster that he did before

She was still seizing and I was trying my best to keep her stable, I rubbed her back and held her on her side as she laid down

Her eyes were still bleeding and so was her nose, I quickly brought out my handkerchief and used it to wipe the blood off.

After a few minutes, she stopped shaking, I exhaled out and put her back on normal position.
"Is she alright"? Adrianna asked and I just nodded breathlessly

"Yes she's stable, for now" I muttered looking back at her face.
Her lips were a bit chapped and she didn't look okay.
"How long before we get there"? I asked and Sam just took a turn and we were heading straight for our house

"Not long at all" he muttered before finally stopping in front of our house, I quickly opened the door and stepped out before scooping her up and walking into the house.
I stopped in front of the door, it was locked, I had a spare key

"Keys Sam, it's in my wallet, back pocket" I mutttered and he quickly reached out and brought out my wallet, before bringing out my keys and opening the door.

I walked in with Judy and took her straight to our bedroom, I laid her down on the bed gently, while Adrianna helped me with the covers.

"What do we do now"? She asked looking at me and then Judy

"I...." A knock on the door cut me off, and I looked at Adrianna, Sam was not here so he would handle the door.
"We need to keep her temperature down, she's boiling" I muttered and Adrianna nodded

I quickly entered the bathroom and soaked a clean small towel on the rack before walking back into the room, I stopped in my tracks when I saw Jordan standing there just looking at her.

"What are you doing here? What the hell are you doing here"! I yelled lunging for him but Sam was quick to hold me back

"Andre relax, he came to check on her" he whispered into my ears and I just scoffed still keeping my eyes set on Jordan, he just looked calm and it was fucking pissing me off

"She's still my friend too" he muttered making me growl out

"She's not your friend, she was never your friend, so shut the hell up before I shut it for you" I snapped still trying to get out of Sam's hold
"Let me go Sam"

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