S1 EP1: Rose Part 1

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Rose wakes up abruptly to the sound of her alarm and rushes to get ready for work. A few moments later she picks up her bag and kisses her mum on the cheek and then grabs her keys "Bye!" Rose says to her mum.

"See you later" her mum replies as Rose rushes out of the apartment.

Rose makes her way to the bus station and hops on, making her way into the bustling heart of London where she gets off and runs to get to Henrik's for her shift. She folds up clothes that some customers had unfolded presumably to see the clothes in their entirety.

Rose makes her way to have lunch with her boyfriend, her boyfriend eating rather strangely in hopes of making her laugh, he then shows her his dance moves which does definitely make her laugh. After almost an hour Rose has to leave to get back to work.


As Rose is leaving with a couple of her co-workers a Security Guard stops her "Oi!" he says holding a plastic bag with money inside it, Rose turns around and begrudgingly grabs the bag and walks back into the shop, she jogs over to a lift and presses the down button. Rose enters the lift and it takes her down to the basement of the shop.

"Wilson? Wilson, I've got the lottery money." she speaks making her way to Wilson's room. "Wilson?" she asks knocking on the door "You there?" she tries the door handle, but the door is locked. "I can't hang about cos they're closing the shop." she talks to the door. "Wilson? Oh, come on." the last part she whispers.


Rose turns around at hearing a loud bang. "Hello?" she makes her way towards the noise. "Hello? Wilson, it's Rose." she makes her way further down the corridor. "Hello? Wi-Wilson?" She stutters a bit trying to hide her fear. She walks up to a door and opens it, the room is dark at first but Rose flips the lights on, showing a room full of boxes and mannequins. "Wilson?!" she shouts making her way deeper into the room. "Wilson?" continuing forward she sees a red door and picks up her pace a bit, as she had just reached the red door the door she previously had left open slams shut. Rose runs towards the door that has just slammed shut and tries to open it but it's somehow locked. "Oh, you're kidding me!" Rose quietly exclaims. 


Rose turns around and slowly starts walking away from the locked door. "Is that someone mucking about?" She apprehensively starts walking closer to where the sound had come from. "Who is it?" Rose asks walking past multiple mannequins still holding the plastic bag filled with money. Rose suddenly turns around looking about the room when a mannequin starts walking towards her with more and more mannequins starting to move around. "Ok. You got me. Very funny." Rose says walking backwards. "Right, I've got the joke! Whose idea was this? Is it Derek's? Is it?" She continues but this time with slightly more panic in her voice. "Derek, is this you?" she notices the mannequins behind are now also moving towards her, she changes direction and walks backwards until she walks in to a corner.

Just as the mannequins raise their arm the Captain takes hold of Rose's hand "Run!" he says as he turns and pulls her along with him. They run through a door and down a corridor with the mannequins in pursuit. They burst through another set of doors and end up in a room that the Doctor is in. "Doctor, Run!" and with that the three of them run into a lift and just as the doors start closing one of the mannequins manages to put it's arm through, the Doctor and the Captain struggle to pull its arm off but eventually they manage to pull it off and the door fully closes.

"You pulled his arm off!" Rose exclaims.

"Yeah, plastic." the Doctor chucks the arm towards the girl.

"Very clever, nice trick. Who are they, Students? Is this a student thing?" at the girls words the Doctor looks towards the Captain, who just shrugs.

"Why would they be students?" he continues.

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