S1 EP4: Aliens of London Part 1

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As the Tardis starts materialising outside the Council Estate Rose and her mum lives in, a bunch of loose pages of newspaper fly around on the concrete floor. Rose and the Doctor step out of the blue box. The man leans against the box with his arms crossed.

"How long have I been gone?" Rose asks the man.

"About 12 hours." the Doctor tells her. Hearing this only makes her laugh as she looks around.

"Oh..! Right, I won't be long. I just want to see my mum."

"What are you gonna tell her?" he asks

"I dunno. That I've been to the year five billion and only gone, what, 12 hours? No, I'll just tell her I spent the night at Shareen's. See you later." she waves as she walks off. "Oh, don't you disappear." she turns around and points at the man. The Doctor just nods.


Rose jogs up the stairs getting to her and her mum's flat.


The Doctor wanders away from the box just when the Captain opens the door "Doctor!" he shouts, as the Doctor kicks a plastic bottle on the floor. He turns around after noticing a piece of paper on a lamp post. He looks back at the paper and he walks over to it as the Captain jogs over to the man. "Doctor, it's not been 12 hours..." he says, his attention drawn to the missing poster the Doctor is looking at.


As Rose gets to her flat she opens the door and steps in. "I'm back! I was with Shareen. She got all upset again... Are you in?" she drops her keys off on a side table and makes her way further in to the flat. "So, what's been goin' on? How've you been?" she sees her mum in the kitchen holding a cup. "What's that face for? It's not the first time I've stayed out all night.". Jackie drops her cup of tea.


The Doctor finishes reading the missing poster. The poster says - Rose Tyler has been missing from her home on the Powell Estate since 6th March 2005. He looks over at the Captain and without saying anything the two men quickly run to Rose's flat.


"It's you." Jackie says.

"Course it's me." Rose replies confused.

"Oh, my God, It's you. Oh, my god." Jackie hugs her daughter. Rose hugs her back and notices a table full of missing posters, with her face on them.

The Doctor and Captain burst through the door. "I-It's not 12 hours, it's 12 months. You've been gone a whole year. Sorry!" the Doctor explains as Rose and Jackie look at the two men.


Outside a young boy spray paints the words 'Bad Wolf' on the side of the Tardis.


After a little while, Jackie had called the police and a policeman was now in the flat taking notes. "The hours I sat here - days and weeks and months - all on my own! I thought you were dead, and where were you? 'Travelling'! What the hell does that mean, travelling? That's no sort of answer!.. You ask her, she won't tell me." Jackie goes off. Rose is sitting on a chair as the Captain sits on the arm of said chair and the Doctor stands behind him, neither men wanting to be involved in the domestic. "That's all she says, 'travelling'."

"That's what I was doing." Rose speaks.

"With your passport still in the drawer? It's just one lie after another!" Jackie says pointing towards Rose's bedroom.

"I meant to phone, I really did. I just... I forgot."

"For a year? You forgot for a year, and I'm left sitting here?! I just don't believe you! Why won't you tell me where you've been?"

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