I Don't Want to Miss a Thing (S1 - End)

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- Later on, at the subway -

"Why are you here, again?" Scott asked as he looked at you, behind his seat.

"Uh... we live in the same house?" You pointed out.

"No, I meant, why didn't you just run to the house with neon? Or fly there with video?" Scott corrected himself.

"Oh, felt like taking the train." You shrugged, leaning back. "Just pretend I'm not here, I'll keep my mouth shut."

Scott cleared his throat, turning to Ramona. "So... Do you wanna... sorta... go out with me?"

"Yeah, okay." Ramona replied, almost instantly.

"Do you wanna make out?" Scott asked, and it almost scared you how forward he was being.

"Sure." Ramona replied, and you got even more baffled at how casual this all was.

And yeah, they did exactly that. Kissing sounds and everything. You swore you also saw floating red hearts.

You lowered your shades, stared, and thought, "Wow, that escalated quickly." You really did need to learn to get used to this.

"So, that one guy... Matthew Mattel or whatever. I guess he used to be your boyfriend, eh? Or rather... one of the seven." Scott asked, and Ramona nodded.

"Like Y/N said before. You have to fight my seven evil ex-boyfriends. Um, if you want to, date me." Ramona replied, eyes looking dead serious.

"You dated seven evil dudes?" Scott asked.

"I think some were good people. Dunno what must've happened to them." You thought, crossing your arms. Surely, some of them were just corrupted by their grief or jealousy. You needed to find out what happened with Matthew, and maybe you'll have a lead to the source of that corruption.

"Not all at once!" Ramona continued, shaking her head.

"So, okay... I have to fight-" Scott started.

"Defeat." Ramona interrupted.

"...Defeat your seven evil ex-boyfriends if I want to keep dating you?" Scott finished, recompiling everything he just heard.

"Yeah, well, I guess? Pretty much." Ramona nodded, shrugging.

"And they'd come one at a time?" Scott asked, receiving another nod.

"Not all at once. I dunno about one at a time." Ramona replied, shrugging once again.

"Huh. Well, I guess I'm okay with that." Scott replied, he and Ramona sharing a little smooch,

"Cool." Ramona smiled.

"So, uh... this guy Gideon... is he... uh... is he one of them?" Scott asked, and Ramona seemed pretty tense.

Her stare went blank and turned away from Scott, which you took note of. You didn't say anything, but internally, you were suspicious. Why did she look away from Scott when he mentioned Gideon? Something wasn't right here, clearly.

"Um. Your, uh... head... Um, are you okay?" Scott asked, noticing Ramona's weird reaction.

"Yeah. I'm fine." Ramona's head snapped back to look at him. Her reply was instant, her smile afterwards was kinda weird, and the way she said it sounded odd.

"...Do you still want to go out with me?" Scott questioned.

"Yes." Ramona answered instantly once again, and the way she said it didn't sit right with you. Again.

Scott seemed to share your unease, as he looked toward the window to his left, at his own reflection. On the other hand, you looked toward your own reflection on the window to your right.

You stared yourself in the eyes. Or more so, at the sunglasses that hid your eyes. You didn't know what was coming, but you could feel it in your gut. Something was up. And you'd be damned if you didn't find out what it was.

"Hey, Y/N." Ramona called out to you, snapping you from your thoughts.

"Yeah?" You responded, straightening up.

"...Thank you." Ramona smiled, and her expression was genuine.

"Huh? What for?" You asked.

"For talking sense into Matthew." Ramona replied, and then turned away. "I... didn't know that was how the fight was going to go."

"Heh, what can I say? I've got a talent for making friends." You shrugged, smirking.

"I suppose you do." Ramona chuckled, and her smile widened. "Wonder how you do it."

"Yeah, so do I." You said as you looked at the ceiling.

You were now part of this love story. Would your involvement change something in this story? What could your role be described as? Whatever question you had could only be answered by sticking around.

And honestly? You wanted to see where this went. And as you looked outside the window, you felt a new energy surge through your body. One of excitement, curiosity, and wonder.

You thought to yourself, "Who would've thought I would get in this kind of situation? Heh, I really have no idea where this will take me. But you know what?"

Your smile widened, and you looked forward, saying...

"I don't want to miss a thing."

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