In My Life (S4)

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"Oh my god, what are you doing here?! I can't believe this!" She cheered.

"I... Hi! Yeah? I'm... what's up?" Scott nervously stuttered.

You shot him a glare of "do you have any idea who this girl is?", and he gave you one of "I have no fucking clue". Shoot, both of you had absolutely no trail of memory about this woman. You prayed for a name, a reason, or anything to come back.

"It's Lisa. Lisa Miller, from high school, remember?" She asked.

Oh snap, the gods actually listened to your prayer.

"Lisa Miller, eh?" Scott asked, rubbing his chin, and thought for a bit. "Lisa! Yeah! Lisa! I... I didn't forget you! Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"This is amazing! What a coincidence! Do you come here all the time?" Lisa asked as she sat between you and Scott.

"Ha ha... uh, no." Scott awkwardly chuckled.

"Honestly I'm only here to get out of the heat, but I don't think I can stay for long. The place is full of slutty teenagers!" Lisa joked as she stuck her tongue out.

"Y-yeah... slutty..." Scott trailed off as he stared at Lisa's thighs.

"Okay, I'm feeling like a third wheel right now. What's the sitch?" You asked, trying to ease the tension.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't even see you there. Are you one of Scott's friends?" Lisa asked.

"That would be me, yeah." You shrugged. "Y/N Rowe. Friendly neighborhood Conduit. Pleasure to meet ya."

"Wait, hold on, you're a Conduit? Really?!" Lisa beamed, staring at you in awe.

"Yeah, and I know a few others. So, what's you and Scott's deal, then?" You asked.

"I was just about to ask what he's been up to. I haven't seen him for like... what? Four years? More? That's ridiculous!" Lisa stated before turning to Scott. "Oh man, remember how you moved away and Kim was all- Hey, have you seen Kim? Is she still at nipissing? I'm so out of touch..."

"Okay, uh, um, Kim lives in Toronto and hang out and it's cool, but I... I have a girlfriend." Scott explained, face pink and sweat rolling down his face.

"You do?! What's her name? Does Kim like her? Is she from Toronto?" Lisa kept asking, not stopping.

"Uh, her name is Ramona and she's from America. I mean, she's American." Scott answered. "Just like Y/N."

"Native, but yes." You shrugged.

"Really? Where are you from? Is it close to California? Why are you here in Canada?" Lisa continued to interrogate.

"Washington, Seattle. I'm here because... well, I just wanted to explore the world a bit and ended up here." You answered.

"Oh, and did I tell you that I'm totally moving to California soon? I have to hang around here for a while, though." Lisa said. "I've been staying here with my sister, she has a place on college..."

"Do you... have a job? I keep getting asked that question, so..." Scott questioned.

"Nah, I'm just bumming around. I know, shopping spree, right? I'm a total credit card maniac these days, it's pathetic." Lisa laughed. "Hey, have you eaten? Let's get some mall food, guys!"

- At the Mall's Food Court -

"Yeah, we're totally a band. We aren't all that sucky." Scott stated.

"We have some extra sound coming into the band soon, though." You added. "Something that will go well with my visual effects."

"And we played another show a couple weeks ago and a majority even clapped." Scott added.

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