Hero (S5)

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- The Next Day -

Your phone had received a message from Scott, and the second you saw it, you rushed to the location he had provided you with. It led you to a construction site in Queen & Bathurst, an old building being gutted and turned into something else.

And you walked in the middle of Scott getting his ass kicked by Kyle and Ken. "What's wrong with you?" Scostt asked as he wiped off some saliva.

"Pick up the pace, Pilgrim." Kyle taunted.

"Doesn't matter. Now I have someone to make things fair 2 on 2." Scott retorted.

"Calvary's here!" You shouted, running down the wall using the neon you had absorbed from a sign on the way here.

"Rowe. What a pleasant surprise." Ken commented.

"You alright, Scott?" You asked, helping him up.

"Mostly. I feel like I'm coming down with something." Scott answered.

"It's the hangover from yesterday. All that tequila, remember?" You reminded.

"How are you not hungover?" Scott asked.

"Well, for one, I didn't drink nearly as much as you did, and second, Conduit genes." You shrugged.

"You show up to our battle hungover, Pilgrim?" Kyle, almost offended, scoffed. "Let us teach you some respect!"

He rushed over to Scott tying to dropkick him, which Scott blocked. Ken tried to dropkick Scott's other side, which was blocked by you.

"And how is Ramona this morning?" Ken, backing off, asked.

"She's fine, and you guys are cheating! I thought you were supposed to fight one at a time." Scott retorted.

"Well you have Rowe to even the odds now." Kyle smirked.

"Besides, cheating is why we joined the guild in the first place." Ken added.

"You mean the league?" Scott asked.

"Hm... mind elaborating on that?" You raised an eyebrow.

"We joined because Ramona cheated on us." Ken clarified.

"The two-timing slut." Kyle insulted.

"She cheated on you? Seriously?" Scott questioned.

"I'm guessing she played you both?" You inquired.

"That's correct. And since that day we discovered her treachery, we always vowed to work together!" Kyle declared, twin-linking with Ken and performing a Double Hurricane Kick.

Before it hit Scott, you managed to use your chain to wrap around their legs in such a way they lost balance and fell flat on the floor.

"But she- I mean, I cheated and she- Why's she..." Scott stammered.

"...a hypocrite?" Ken suggested.

"You guys are trying to bring me down! I just have to defeat you and Gideon and then everything will be perfect!" Scott exclaimed.

"Wait, hold on? Did you and Ramona have a fight?" You asked, noticing a certain tone in his voice.

"Of course not!" Scott denied.

"Did her head glow?" Ken asked, going in for a punch.

"No!" Scott shook his head as he dodged.

"You idiot!" Kyle laughed.

"What does it mean? That glow?" You asked, grabbing his arm and slamming him down.

"Can we talk about something else?" Scott asked, countering Ken.

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