Island In The Sun (S4)

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- Summer, no particular date, just summer -

"Who's ready to partyyyy?!" Scott earing nothing except short swim shorts of gray and blue.

"Party at Julie's Aunt's beach house? Hell yeah, I'm ready!" You grinned, wearing a full body diving suit in mostly black with some sky blue accents, as well as some red swimming goggles currently resting on your forehead.

"Wow, Y/N! You really don't like showing skin, do you?" Ramona whistled. "You look great, don't get me wrong."

"Not a chance. But hey, at I dare anyone to try me when I have a diving suit like this on." You chuckled. "I'll dominate in water fights, no doubt."

"Did everyone pack their change of clothes?" Stephen asked, holding a duffle bag.

"Let's see... Change of clothes, shampoo, soap, sunscreen, sunglasses, towel... yeah, I've got the essentials." You nodded.

"Yeah, we're prepared, whatever. Let's go already!" Kim rushed.

"Right. To the bus stop!" You proclaimed, and with that, you and the gang ran off.

- One of those cartoony-spinny transitions but with the bus stop sign later -

Ah, the feeling of fresh air, the smell of salty sea water, the sound of crashing waves, the sand beneath your feet, and the beautiful ocean before you. Yup, summer beach days are always amazing.

The warm sun was shining brightly, the sky was clear, and the waves were calm, but high enough to be fun. Quite the place for many things, like beach volleyball, swimming, sunbathing, and romance. Scott and Ramona sure thought so.

"Ramona..." Scott spoke in a love-struck tone as the two of them stood before each other, near the sea.

"Shh. Don't you just wish this moment could last forever?" Ramona smiled.

"Ramona, I luh-" Scott began, only to be interrupted.

"Shhhhh." Ramona hushed, pressing a finger to Scott's lips.

"Luh-" Scott tried again.

"Shhhhhhhhhh." Ramona once again silenced him.

"L-let's make out!" Scott finished.

"Show me how!" Ramona accepted.

"Aw! Isn't that just the cutest thing ever?" You said, proud of the couple.

"Those two make my mouth taste like throw-up." Julie complained, rolling her eyes.

"This is probably the only time I'll ever agree with you, but... I agree with you." Kim said, equally bothered.

Julie held a volleyball, about to throw it at the lovebirds, but she stopped to look at you. "Well?" She asked.

"What?" You raised an eyebrow.

"You're not gonna stop me?" Julie questioned.

"I usually would. But it's your birthday, and I'm not gonna spoil your fun." You shrugged. "Go ahead, just this one time."

"Heh. Good call." Julie smirked, chucking the ball at Scott's face. "No shenanigans at my party, bitches!"

"Whoop-de-doo." Kim deadpanned.

"Are you well? Do you have brain damage?" Ramona asked as she looked down toward Scott.

"Did anyone see what hit me?" Scott questioned, and his voice was slurred.

"It was a volleyball that Julie threw." You informed.

"By the way, where's Knives? Didn't she come along?" Ramona inquired.

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