Eye of the Tiger (S3)

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"Fine. So... Scott and Ramona, eh?" Envy started.

"What of it?" Ramona questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"You guys are a cute couple, you know? You suit Scott." Envy continued.

"So what's your ulterior motive, Envy? In general and aside from having your drummer get her ass handed to her by our artist, I mean?" Stephen questioned, suspicious of her.

"She doesn't need ulterior motives! Look at her! She got a writeup in Spin." Julie pointed out. "And Y/N's last attack was cheap."

"You call it cheap. I call it creative thinking." You shrugged.

"Yeah, Stephen, wow. I'm hurt. Wounded, even. I'm just saying, cute couple." Envy added, not letting the previous matter bother her. "I like your outfit, by the way, Ramona. Affordable?"

"Excuse me?" Ramona was offended, not that she would let it show.

"I was going to say, Envy, did you get those jeans from New York? They're totally-" Julie began to ask, but was cut off by Envy.

"I'm talking to Ramona right now." She said, not even bothering to look at her.

"Ramona is from New York." Julie added. It was painfully obvious she wanted to stay in the conversation at all costs.

"Is she?" Envy inquired, turning to look at Ramona.

"I'm not from there. I just lived there a couple years." Ramona clarified, not looking too happy to keep dragging things on.

"Did you like it? See a lot of the city?" Envy continued to ask.

"I... I guess I mostly saw the-" Ramona attempted to answer.

"The seamy underbelly? Strip clubs, backs of parked cars..." Envy snarked, looking unenthusiastic.

"I... what?" Ramona was caught off guard.

"Ramona! The look on your face! I'm kidding." Envy laughed, before turning serious.

"That's it!" Scott yelled, fed up with everything as he slammed his hands on the table. "That is it, you cocky cock!"

"Here we go again..." You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose.

"You'll pay for your crimes against humanity!" Scott exclaimed, reeling his fist back as he jumped over the table.

Todd seemed surprised, but promptly dodged his head out of the way before his eyes began glowing and his hair stood up. He raised his hand, and Scott began to float, clutching his neck.

"Kk... My neck... y...your hair..." Scott choked out before being raised higher. "Aaah! Dude, wait! Aaaa!"

"Didn't you know?" Envy questioned, smirking as Todd telekinetically threw Scott through a wall and toward an alleyway with dumpsters. "Todd's a vegan. Graduated top of his class from Vegan Academy and everything."

"And here I thought he was some kind of Conduit at first. Could you imagine? A Vegetable Conduit? Yeah, right." You snickered, looking in the direction Scott was thrown. "Oh, right. This is bad."

"I mean, anyone can become a vegan if they work at it, right?" Stephen pondered.

"Um, no." Envy answered.

"No. Ovo-lacto vegetarian, maybe." Todd corrected, his eyes and hair back to normal.

"Uh... why not?" Kim wondered, confused.

"Most people just can't take it. It's a fact of science. The main thing to know is that I'm better than most people." Todd explained, combing his hair back down.

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