Jump (S3)

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"...I'm definitely locking this in the vault." You decided, not wanting to get involved.

With that said, you returned your attention to your lasagna, and resumed eating. Once you'd finished your meal, you paid for your food and left, leaving Todd and Lynette's secret affair undisclosed. You had other things to worry about.

+ Good Karma!

- Also Sunday, but 2pm -

"What's up, party people?" You announced as you entered Wallace's house. "Y/N's in the house."

"Oh, hey Y/N." Ramona greeted, turning around to face you.

You noticed Ramona was now sporting a new color of hair, completely blue. "Nice. Blue looks good on you."

"Thanks." Ramona smiled. "I change my hair like every three weeks."

"I wish I could change something about my appearance. I've been wearing these clothes since... Well, ever." You sighed, plopping down on the couch.

"Maybe it's a phase and you'll both grow out of it." Wallace suggested.

"We'll see." Ramona smirked.

"Maybe after I rank up again." You added.

"Is that your natural hair color?" Scott asked Ramona.

"What? No. Maybe. I guess it could be." She answered.

- NOTE: This was funnier in the black & white comics -

"Are you really that upset over my hair?" Ramona questioned.

"I'm just... I can't believe you got a haircut when I've been needing one for weeks!" Scott complained.

"And never once shutting the hell up about it, either." Wallace muttered.

"But for real, I've bordered on cutting your hair using glass." You added, remembering Scott's whining. "The power, not an actual shard of glass, I should clarify."

"Dude, there's like half a dozen hairdressers on St. Clair within ten minutes walk of your front door." Ramona said.

"What? Really?" Scott questioned.

"Don't listen to her, Scott. She notices things." Wallace commented,

"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked, crossing your arms.

"Look, do you want me to cut your hair?" Ramona asked, annoyed. "I have scissors in my bag. I'll cut your damn hair."

"You would? I... I... Oh my god!" Scott, with stars in his eyes, said.

- And then time passed -

"So did Envy ever- Okay, wait, can we stop using her precious little nickname? What's her actual nickname?" Ramona asked as she finished off cutting Scott's hair.

"Uh... Nat. Natalie." Scott answered. "She stopped liking it, though. Then she stopped liking me."

"You never did give me the backstory to that, by the way." You noted. "I could use some lore dump, man."

"Maybe on later chapters." Scott simply replied, making you roll your eyes.

- Yep, still Sunday, it's 5:30pm -

"Check out my rad haircut! Totally ready for the show!" Scott said, showing off his new look at Stephen's house.

"Yeah... great." Stephen replied.

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