Heart-Shaped Box (S6 - Finale)

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"..." You were hesitant. "I guess... Gideon might have a point. There is a connection. I- I can't deny it. The way Ramona makes me feel is special."

"I knew it! See, Ramona? All this time, Y/N has been the perfect match for you. It's clear to everyone that-" Gideon began to gloat, until...

"But." You interjected, and he looked at you, surprised. "The problem is... Ramona cares for Scott. And so do I. If I try to convince her that I'm the best choice, I'd be no different from you."

"I've been a loyal, caring, and supportive friend to both Ramona and Scott, and I'll stay this way. Everything you said may have been true, Gideon, and I won't deny that. But that doesn't change how I feel. I'll stand by and support their relationship, whatever happens." You continued, determined.

"Y/N..." Ramona smiled, and her expression showed that she was grateful and impressed.

"Yeah, I cared for Ramona. I comforted her. But you know what? That's not any different from what I'd do for all my friends. If Scott was hurt, I'd care for him, too. And that's exactly what I did when Ramona vanished out of the blue. I love Ramona, but as a friend, just as much as I love Scott as a friend. My friendship with both is what's most important. And you won't tear me apart from either of them." You declared, and turned to the two.

"Scott, Ramona... I care about both of you. You've been through your bumps, but I truly believe you'll be a great pair together. And I won't let anyone or anything, not even myself, jeopardize that." You stated, smiling like never before. "That's what friendship means. Supporting your friends and believing in them, no matter what. And that's what I'll continue to do."

Ramona and Scott's hearts were touched by your words, and Gideon was taken aback, having failed to break your bond.

"Y/N, thank you." Ramona spoke, smiling.

"You're the best." Scott agreed, smiling, too.

"I'm just doing what a good friend would." You replied, grinning. "Now then, if you would..."

You signaled to Gideon, and Ramona and Scott looked at him, preparing to strike. With the Power of Love and Understanding, the two slashed and struck him, making him yell in defeat and burst into a rain of coins.

Which everyone was happy to see come from the sky, but then realized that coins were, y'know, actually raining down, and quickly began to cover their heads.

"Are we done? 'Cause I'm tired." Ramona asked, sounding like she just wanted to go home and sleep.

"I think we may be done." Scott replied, but halted once Envy walked over to them.

She said nothing, and her stare was intense. Scott gulped, but then, she hugged him. He was surprised, but returned the gesture, smiling at the fact he had finally gained his closure.

"Oh, man. Were you and Gideon, like, a thing?" Scott asked, still a bit confused.

"We could've been, but I doubt he ever felt that way. Maybe I was just after the power, the connections, the money..." Envy responded, sighing. "But if it weren't for a certain someone, I wouldn't have seen that sooner. Thanks, Y/N."

"Hey, I just want to help. And you're welcome." You replied, smiling.

"Anyway, turns out he was crap. Big surprise there. I'm over it." Envy added, but then paused. "Oh, and please get off the stage."

"Right, the show. Sorry, we got caught up in a whole thing." You apologized. "C'mon guys, let's go."

- And so... -

"I never wanted you to freeze. I never thought I'd be some kind of ice queen. And even if I say... I wanted you to stay... it's over and I'm gone... north where I belong... cold way my heart has been all along." Envy sang, and the audience loved it.

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