Dream On (S3)

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- Later that morning -

After playing taxi to a bunch of sleepy people, you were finally back at Wallace's home. He saved your doughnut and coffee, even reheated them so they'd still be warm.

While you were busy sketching things in your notepad, just as you finished up the last of your coffee, you heard Scott's now melancholic tone.

"You know what sucks?" He asked, to nobody in particular.

"What?" You and Wallace humored him.

"Everything!" Scott complained.

"You're not wrong. But, like, in a general sense." You pointed out.

"Psh. Listen to this, okay? Just listen." Wallace paused as the sounds of bacon sizzling on the pan were heard. "You hear that? That's market bacon hitting pan. Today, a child is born unto us, and his name will be Bacon."

"And his baptism will be one of grease and deliciousness." You played into the metaphor, giggling.

"Smell it? Do you smell that? Smell it!" Wallace exclaimed, fanning the air.

"I smell it!" Scott exclaimed, covering his ears in annoyance.

"Everything does not suck." Wallace told him, as he continued to cook.

"What are you worrying about? You got a girlfriend, two of her exes are cool with us, and four of the other five remaining aren't a concern for now. Live in the moment, Scott." You advised.

"I know, it's just... it's just Envy. And everything!" Scott cried out covering his face in frustration.

"It's the past, guy. It's over, forget about it." Wallace reassured.

"But she's back! She's here!" Scott groaned.

"Scott, I'm not gonna pretend to be an expert or anything, but the past is history. Sure, it's what shapes us into who we are, but... the point is that we can't dwell on it. We can't live in the past, we have to move forward." You explained.

"Listen to Wyenn, Scott. Her being back doesn't make it not over." Wallace agreed.

"Exactly. Plus, don't worry for the past or future. Keep your eyes on the now." You added. "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present."

"That... was deep. Where did you hear that?" Wallace asked, surprised.

"From some tortoise. And that's not just an analogy for an old guy that walks slow." You joked.

"I think... I... get... it... sort of..." Scott said, trailing off as he wondered what to do.

"Good." Wallace replied.

"You do what you need to do to forget about Envy. Take action, do what feels right." You advised, patting his shoulder.

"But what about the fact she-" Scott was interrupted.

"I thought you got it!" Wallace exclaimed, raising his spatula as if he were threatening to hit Scott with it.

"I... yeah! I did! I do. I get it. Got it." Scott nodded.

"Try to not worry, everything will go smoothly." You reassured, even if what you said wasn't all that true.

- Saturday, 1:00pm -

Yep, it was still raining. You and the crew were now at Honest Ed's. You've been here before. "It's fun to shop at Honest Ed's" was the saying around these parts. Located at 581 Bloor Street West. Open Monday to Saturday from 10:00am to 9:00pm, and Sunday from 11:00am to 7:00am.

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