It's My Life (S6)

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"...a TRUE HERO!"

The blue lightning of the eagle began to overpower the red hawk, and soon, the true you was winning the struggle, and pushed the Infamous far back, until it was forced back into a corner of the mind.

"Get... out of my HEAD!" You yelled, and your body began to completely glow blue, the electricity flowing all around your body. The red energy was fading, and so was the infamous you, breaking apart like shattered glass.

"No... no! NO!" Infamous you screamed, being broken down piece by piece, as the real you walked toward them.

"I'll never be like you. Not in this life." You stated, electricity accumulating in your fist. "Now... get the fuck out of my mind."

You then threw your fist straight into the other you's face, and the infamous one screamed in defeat as they were completely shattered to nothing, the red lightning going away, and the real you standing there, in their place.

- Good Karma Wins! -

Now, your body was truly yours. There was not a single trace of evil left, that was for sure. Your clothes were back to normal, and the only red thing was your flannel shirt and beanie.

But there was one more thing...

+ One Extra Life!

And you knew exactly what to use it for. You walked over to Scott, held the extra life in your hand, and placed it on his heart. Before you knew it, you found yourself within Scott's subspace within his mind.

"I'm dead. This suuuhhhuuucks." Scott groaned, in the middle of a desert.

"Scott." You called out, instantly making him turn. "I have something for you."

"Y/N? How are you here? What's going on?" Scott asked, his eyes widening.

"Long story short, after you died, I turned into my evil self for a while, and then I defeated them. I'm fully good now, and I got an extra life when I shattered them to pieces." You explained, showing him the extra life. "So, you better make this count, because this is your second shot."

"And for the record, he's not dead, Y/N. Just having some idiotic dream." A familiar voice stated, and you looked over to see...

"Ramona?!" You and Scott cried in unison and shock.

"Hey." Ramona waved, awkwardly, sitting on the sandy ground.

"Um... how's it going?" Scott greeted, nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"What happened? I was looking for you all over Toronto." You questioned, relieved that she was here.

"You were?" Ramona asked, raising her eyebrow.

"That was what my life was dedicated to ever since you just kinda... left." You explained, sitting down next to Scott's other side. "I don't leave anyone behind, except my evil self. And they're gone now."

"You went evil? Like, completely evil?" Ramona inquired, pretty surprised.

"I'll explain later. But, what about you? Scott and I were worried sick about you." You asked, wanting to know what happened.

"I, uh... kinda disappeared for a while, I guess." Ramona confessed, sighing. "I went looking for... I dunno, myself. That sounds so stupid..."

"Well, at least you weren't with him. Gideon, I mean. That ass." Scott grumbled, folding his arms.

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