The Resistance (S6)

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First, however, you had to pass by a few Core Relays to expand your arsenal of new, electrokinetic powers. Once that's done, you'll be more than ready to protect Envy from any harm.

- May 1st, Chaos Theatre, Backstage -

You stood on the roof of the dressing room, one of the support beams keeping you steady. So far, Envy's been perfectly fine. Annoyed, sure, but fine regardless. You were full on neon powers, since they were what you had most experience with.

"Well?" Envy asked, with what feels like the millionth outfit of the day.

"Mmm... I dunno. Maybe lose the shoulders." Gideon advised, his critical eye appraising her latest look. "I want some options on the shoes. And hair, people, my God. Please. I want you to build a bonfire in her hair. That is a metaphor."

"Jeez, I get it's opening day and all, but can the girl get a moment to breathe?" You thought, letting out a quiet groan.

"Gideon, can we talk?" Envy finally asked, seemingly done with the endless rounds of outfit changes.

"Walk with me, baby." Gideon responded, leading her to a different room.

"Change of location, tighter spot, no problem." You thought, watching as they made their way to a hallway.

"I've got lighting to review and I need to do my third-to-last walkthrough. Doors in... what?" Gideon asked, checking his watch.

"104 minutes!" One of the workers yelled out, confirming his suspicions.

"104 and counting. Envy, honey, you know I love you. What's on your mind?" Gideon pressed, turning to face her.

"I'm just tired! I've been training and learning choreography for weeks. I've tried on 71 dresses." Envy explained, her frustration mounting. "Can't we just sit down for an hour and have a drink? The outfit is fine. I'm ready."

"Natalie, it's your debut. It's the opening of my special place in Toronto. Your outfit is important." Gideon reasoned, his tone firm. "I've had some promising young designers literally chained to sewing machines for a month. And you know that dressing like a doll is very fulfilling for me."

"What a prick." You thought, scowling at Gideon's insensitive comments.

"Seems like it's about the only thing." Envy muttered, clearly unimpressed.

"What was that?" Gideon pressed, not appreciating the snarky remark.

"Nothing." Envy quickly responded, not wanting to deal with an argument.

Without another word, Gideon turned on his heel and marched away, his posture exuding annoyance and irritation.

"Nice guy, huh?" You made your presence known, approaching her from behind.

"I don't appreciate the sarcasm, Y/N." Envy remarked, rolling her eyes.

"Hey, I was just trying to make you feel better. You look nice, by the way. Very... showy." You remarked, gesturing at the outfit.

"Don't grow attached, it's probably going to get replaced by the next five minutes." Envy deadpanned, letting out a weary sigh.

"If it makes you feel better, this is the day everything's going to go down." You revealed, hoping to reassure her. "Scott's ready. I'm ready. It's the day everyone's been waiting for. Gideon's going down."

"And I'll enjoy every moment of his defeat." Envy replied, a smirk playing at her lips.

"That's the spirit!" You encouraged, glad to see her in a better mood. "Well, I'm off. Scott's gonna need backup."

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