Up With the Birds (S2)

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- 11:45 am, at the bus -

"It's almost nice out." Wallace noted as he read the newspaper. On the cover, you could see Lucas Lee, the movie star. And in the back, you could see the quote "Not enough people are buying BEER," which made you say "hah, that's a fuckin' lie," under your breath.

"Yeah, I mean, it's about time. It's what, April something?" Scott asked, turning to you.

"I think? Hard to tell time around here." You shrugged.

"It's April something, yes. Hey, Lucas Lee is filming a new movie." Wallace mentioned.

"Why do you care? Is he hot?" Scott asked, making Wallace roll his eyes.

"...Do you think he's hot?" You asked Scott, and he hit you lightly on the arm. "Sheesh, sorry. I'm not judging."

"Was he in that thing 'bottle rocket'?" Scott inquired.

"No, that was Luke Wilson. No comment on the hotness." Wallace answered, turning the page.

"Isn't Luke Wilson a guy from that band I played a show with last week?" Scott asked again.

"Can we talk about something else?" Wallace pleaded, about done with the questions.

"Well... Scott, what are you planning with Ramona? Y'know, keep the relationship strong and such." You asked, adding a suggestion for good measure.

"Oh, yeah, I'm inviting Ramona over for dinner in a couple days or whatever, so Wallace can finally meet her and stuff." Scott responded, nodding.

"I already met her, actually." Wallace chimed in.

"I do remember Stacey mentioned she introduced Ramona to him at the Rockit." You noted.

"My show?! My show with Lucas Lee?!" Scott questioned, eyes wide.

"Luke Wilson." You corrected.

"Whatever! Why does my sister know Ramona?!" Scott continued, very much pissed.

"Damn, what gives, man?" You questioned. "Why does it matter?"

"Look, Scott. I'm going to issue an ultimatum." Wallace stated, staring dead into Scott's eyes.

"One of your famous ultimatums?" Scott sarcastically questioned.

"It may live in infamy, but-" Wallace started, but paused when he saw you shiver. "You good?"

"Y-yeah. It's just that word, 'infamy'... I dunno why, but it gives me chills." You responded, looking away.

"Anyway, here is my ultimatum." Wallace continued, turning to Scott. "You have to tell your girlfriend about Knives. Tonight. You have to. Okay?"

"But... but... it's hard!" Scott complained, whining.

"Hey, you could have it harder had it not been because Y/N spoke up about your crush on Ramona." Wallace said, and looked at you. "Thanks for doing that, by the way."

"I didn't want Knives to figure it out herself. It would've escalated the situation more." You replied, smiling. "I softened the fall as much as I could."

"We don't deserve you, really." Wallace patted your back, and turned to Scott again. "Scott, if you don't tell Ramona all about Knives, then I will. First thing when she walks through the door. I swear to God, Scott."

"But you... you're... double standard! These are lies! Dirty ones!" Scott accused, frustrated.

"Oh, and I'm having a friend over tonight, so neither of you come home." Wallace stated, standing up to leave the bus.

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