Faithfully (S4)

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Following the little convo with yourself, well, the evil you, you got back to thinking on how to get you and Roxie on good terms. All you knew is, she and Ramona may or may not've had a relationship in college. But what exactly happened?

"Y/N, help me!" Scott's voice called out from inside the house.

"Fight for yourself, Pilgrim!" Roxie yelled, and you knew that was your cue.

Flying up the wall using digital angel wings, you made it up to the balcony and found Scott running from Roxie. She tried to go for a strike, you got in the way, and blocked the blade with your own digital sword.

"God damn it! This is just another example of Scott Pilgrim being a lazy ass who doesn't fight his own battles!" Roxie snapped.

"You both have swords!" Scott exclaimed from the bathroom.

"Excuses!" Roxie barked.

"I don't hit girls!" Scott yelled.

"Pssh! You think that gives you the moral high ground?" Roxie asked, still trying to push her blade against yours.

"It really doesn't dude! Equal rights, equal fights!" You argued, pushing back.

"You're just a pussy, Pilgrim!" Roxie shouted, losing the sword clash struggle as you pushed her closer and closer to the balcony. And before you realized the wooden fence broke. "You're just a puuussssy!"

"Sorry, I didn't noootiiiice!" You apologized as you two fell, though you made sure to swap places with Roxie so you would take the full force of the impact.

You could survive higher falls and heal faster anyway, so your main worry was for Roxie to either not get hurt or receive as minor injuries as possible. And it worked, because she fell on top of you with no real injury.

"Man, my landlord is gonna have a cow. Are you guys okay?" Ramona asked as she looked over the both of you from the balcony.

"I'm good!" You said as you raised a thumbs up. "Roxie, you okay?"

"Ugh, yeah." Roxie replied, getting off you. "Now let me at him, Ramona!"

"I won't let you." You shook your head, getting back up and resummoning your digital blade. "Unless you're scared to."

"Oh, so now you wanna fight me, huh? You were content on being the sidekick, now you wanna take the lead, and the credit?" Roxie asked.

"I don't want to take credit for what Scott's been doing. I'm simply helping him." You stated, your sword ready.

"Fine, I'll cut you both down! You'll regret it!" Roxie declared, charging at you, and the two of you engaged in a sword fight.

"Scott, if there's anything you want to say to Ramona, say it now!" You called out, still dueling Roxie.

"Am I just a pussy, Ramona?" Scott inquired.

"Well... you could be less of one, I guess." Ramona answered.

Scott steeled himself, and strode over to Ramona with full confidence, grabbing her shoulders. "Ramona..." He started.

"Scott?" Ramona repeated, her expression a confused one.

"I know you just play mysterious and aloof to avoid getting hurt. I know you have reasons for not answering my questions. And I don't care about any of that stuff." Scott continued.

"You... don't?" Ramona questioned.

"Ramona, I'm in love with you." Scott admitted. "...and I know I can make this relationship work."

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