Your Cheating Heart (S3)

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- Saturday Night, Band Practice, at Stephen's House, where else? -

"It's not me, it's you! Make no mistake!" Stephen sang. "You're having your cake! And eating it too!"

"BA BA BA!" Scott ad-libbed, strumming his guitar.

"Hold on! Stop!" Stephen halted everyone else, turning to Ramona. "Do we suck?"

"What? I don't know, do you?" Ramona questioned.

"Do we? We do!" Stephen panicked.

"Stephen." You grabbed his shoulders, forcing him to look at you. "Calm down. We're gonna be fine. We're gonna rock on Sunday, alright? So get your act together, because we're not failing. Repeat after me: Breathe."

"Breathe..." Stephen took a deep breath.



"Pull. That. Trigger."

"Pull... That... Trigger..." Stephen nodded.

"There you go." You patted his back.

"Yeah, you guys don't suck. You're amazing!" Knives reassured.

"Oh, by the way, nice to see you're back here, Knives! We really could use your encouragement." You smiled at her.

"I'm glad to be back. Thanks for pulling me out of my slump." Knives replied.

"Anytime." You nodded, and then snapped your fingers as something came to mind. "Oh, I remember now! I think I found a way to give our band a little more 'pizazz'."

"Huh... okay, I'm listening." Stephen said, interested.

"First, let me get something from the VW." You said, before making a portal and hopping in. A few seconds later, you returned with a keyboard piano, setting it up. "I figured this could add a little extra."

"So, you're joining the band in instrumentals now?" Kim asked.

"Oh, not me. I'm visuals, and that's pretty much final." You replied, waving your hand. "Knives, you're up."

"Huh? Me?" Knives asked, taken off-guard.

"Sure. I figured with a little extra something of sound, we could both stand out and give you a boost in confidence." You explained.

"Really? Thanks, Y/N!" Knives hugged you tightly. "I won't let you down!"

"Uh, not to be the mood killer, but is Knives really that... how to put this... qualified?" Stephen asked, looking a bit unsure.

"I understand your doubt, man. But look, just give her a shot. Let's play a few rehearsals with her, and then, if it's not working, we can do something else." You suggested, looking quite optimistic. "'Sides, you gave me a chance, so why shouldn't she get one?'"

"Alright... let's try this, then." Stephen nodded, and turned to the others. "You guys, uh, cool with that?"

"Sure, I guess." Scott shrugged.

"Whatever." Kim rolled her eyes.

"I'm starting to have doubts too, Y/N..." Knives muttered.

"Relax, girl. You've got this." You encouraged her. "No one gets this stuff right on the first try. And, hey, if it doesn't work out, I've got a backup plan."

"Okay, thanks." Knives nodded, looking a bit more confident. "Alright, let's do this!"

"That's the spirit. Kim, if you would?" You asked.

Kim took a deep breath and announced, "WE ARE SEX BOB-OMB! One! Two! Three! Four!"

And things were back rolling. Knives, as expected, was a little stiff. She was clearly nervous and unsure of herself. However, she didn't completely bomb, and that's what mattered.

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