School (S4)

271 14 1

- August -

"Oh, hey, I forgot to get the mayo!" Scott exclaimed as you, he, and Wallace went out on a grocery trip.

"You didn't forget, we still have mayonnaise." Wallace said as he read a magazine.

"I'm pretty sure we'll be fine, Scott." You reassured.

"No, no, the french stuff! With garlic. It's important." Scott insisted.

"You mean 'imported'." Wallace corrected.

"Yeah... that." Scott nodded.

"Don't feel bad, it's easy to confuse." You chuckled.

"Plus, you know we can't afford extra mayonnaise." Wallace pointed out. "Anyway, look at all this great stuff we're getting! Y/N, we do have everything in the list, right?"

"Let's see..." You took out the shopping list from your vest's pocket, and you went through the items, checking them off. "Ramen noodles, wonder bread, 6 boxes of cheap pasta, imported marinara, butter, pepper havarti, deli smoked turkey, 2 diet colas, 3 boxes of mac & cheese, and broccoli. All for the price of $35.32"

And according to the notes, the ramen is for Scott, Wallace buys 2 diet cokes every day (2L), broccoli is the only vegetable that Wallace eats, and all fancy/expensive items are for Wallace and Scott can't have any.

"See? We're scrimping and saving, but we aren't suffering, are we?!" Wallace smirked.

"You're the master of grocery shopping, Wallace." You applauded.

"Thank you, thank you. It's what I do." Wallace smiled.

After paying for everything, you three got on your happy way back home. Taking the cart with you, for some reason.

"Oh, hey, at some point we have to go see Peter about our rent, okay?" Wallace reminded. "This week, or next week, or... whatever."

"Our landlord? Why do I have to go?! He scares me, and you do all the talking anyway!" Scott complained.

"You need me to pitch in the rent this month?" You asked, knowing how tight things have been with the group lately.

"Thanks, but it's alright. You've already done so much, Y/N." Wallace smiled. "Plus, you live more in the VW rather than our place. So, that technically isn't even your apartment."

"If you say so." You shrugged.

"Anyway, Peter's bark is worse than his bite. He's just a little intimidating since he controls our destiny!" Wallace reassured, though it didn't sound very reassuring.

"Yeah, just a little bit..." Scott trailed off.

You got home, helped Wallace and Scott set up the groceries in their places, and waited until something interesting happened. And you didn't have to wait long, because something did.

"Huh, I guess we are out of mayo." Wallace realized, opening the fridge.

"Why are your pants off?! Stop taking your pants all the time!" Scott demanded, walking into the kitchen.

"I'm hot! Also I'm hot, so enjoy it while you can!" Wallace boasted.

Scott mumbled something under his breath, but you could only make out the phrase "scarred for life" when he spoke.

"Also, Y/N, how the heck can you wear denim, a hoodie, and a beanie even in summer?" Wallace asked.

"Fresh mind, fresh body." You simply answered.

"Whatever. Ah, what the hell! The mice got into my rice again! This is garbage!" Wallace groaned.

"Oh, yeah, they got my bread, too. My mom says we should get some of those really big Tupperware thingies." Scott suggested.

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