One More Night (S4)

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"Enough, both of you." You declared, turning your body to face Roxie.

"Out of the way! Actually, I'll slice you both!" Roxie declared, rushing toward you, her blade ready to slice.

"Not gonna happen." You said, managing to trap her in a concrete cocoon that covered everything except her head, leaving her completely immobile.

"Thanks for the assist, Y/N." Gira sighed, wiping the sweat from his forehead. He took a can of root beer out from his hoodie, cracked it open, and simply left like nothing happened.

"That was a waste of time!" Roxie whined, trying to wiggle her way out of her restraints. "Well, this is just great!"

"Quit whining, Roxie. It's not gonna help your case." Ramona huffed, Scott being inside her bag, somehow.

"You're taking his side? He's cheating on you, Ramona, it's so obvious! Why am I suddenly the bad guy?!" Roxie exclaimed. "So I want to cut off his stupid head! What's the problem?"

"Y/N, let her go. You've helped out enough." Ramona sighed before smiling. "Thanks, though. Really."

"It's what friends do." You obliged, snapping your fingers and making the concrete restraints disintegrate, letting Roxie fall.

"Why are you being this way?! I'll seriously cut your arms off!" Roxie yelled, raising her sword.

"Just leave him alone!" Ramona countered, skating away. "He doesn't even have a sword yet!"

"'Yet'?" Scott questioned as his head popped out of the bag.

And from there, Ramona and Scott were the ones dealing with Roxie now. Both went into the Subspace via a door, and you were left alone. You obliged to not chase after them, and waited out the situation.

- Eventually... -

"Supposedly she's an accomplished fine artist these days." Ramona explained, walking along the street with you and Scott on either side of her.

"I imagine a lot of fine artists are half-ninjas." Scott nodded.

"Don't know what led to that connection, but... okay." You shrugged.

"She has a gallery opening tonight, actually, down on Queen Street..." Ramona continued.

"You're going to the show?! She's trying to kill me!" Scott exclaimed.

"Well, I... I wasn't really planning to! Besides, why go when Wyenn is right here?" Ramona smiled. "Way more interesting stuff."

"Oh, uh... thanks." You smiled awkwardly, rubbing the back of your neck.

"I mean, you can go if you want! I'm not gonna stop you or anything. It's just... wow." Scott shrugged.

"No, I want to hang out with you both!" Ramona assured.

You then made Scott a gesture of "hey, aren't you gonna tell Ramona something? Something important?" Surprisingly, he picked up on what you were telling him.

"I... uh... My lease is up pretty soon..." Scott muttered, not sure how to proceed with the topic.

"Is it?" Ramona blinked.

"I guess I've been thinking about my... uh... options, and... I mean, I can't really afford my own place..." Scott continued. "Yeah..."

"You... could... technically... I suppose... uh... move in with me. For a little while, anyway." Ramona suggested, hesitatingly. "I mean, I'd have to think about it a lot, but... I guess there's pros and cons... You're kind of inconvenient, but you have a job now, right?"

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