Every Little Thing She Does Is Magic (S5)

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- Julie's Apartment: another friggin' party -

"So what did Ramona say she wanted again?" Scott asked.

"A bottle of 'Jose Cuervo Especial' and a break." You answered.

"Oop, found it." Scott said, taking the bottle from the bar that the building provided.

"Alright, let's get it to Ramona and-" You were interrupted.

"Scott! Y/N!" Julie called out. "Have you met Kyle and Ken? They've been helping me with event planning. They're award-winning roboticists. And hot. And Japanese!"

"Uh, um, yes, actually, we've-" Scott tried to explain, but was interrupted.

"Are you stealing liquor?! Oh my god." Julie screamed.

"It- It wasn't my idea!" Scott panicked.

"Put the bottle back, thief! That's for legitimate partygoers!" Julie demanded.

"Cuervo Especial? Soulds like Ramona picked the poison." Kyle observed.

"Ahh... Good times." Ken smiled.

"We're this mythical Ramona hiding, anyway? I heard she finally dumped your sorry ass, Pilgrim." Julie taunted.

"Oh, I remember. I guess we should thank you, Juls. Were it not for you signing Sex Bob-Omb for a show in Sneaky Dee's, we wouldn't have been such a hit and made front cover on the newspaper." You retorted, sticking out your tongue.

From the way Julie's face fell, you knew you struck a nerve. "You... Is that a piercing on your tongue?"

"Yes, thanks for noticing. But now, Scott is starting to make it big. And you know what the best part is? You kickstarted it." You smirked.

"Ugh, whatever." Julie scoffed. "Popular or not, Pilgrim's still a loser. Ramona's gonna get tired of his shit and find someone better than him. Not like that's hard."

"That's such a lie! She just- She briefly kicked me out, but that's ancient history! And it's all gonna be peaches n' gravy once I whoop those hoy Japanese guys' asses!" Scott proclaimed.

"You're sick, Scott. Seek help." Julie glared.

"I don't need help. I'll take care of business right now!" Scott yelled, setting the bottle down on a nearby table.

Ken clicked the button, and the remote he held summoned a big robot that would clearly target Scott. Said robot that smushed him to the floor.

"Y/N, watch over Ramona. This is gonna take a bit." Scott muttered.

"Are you sure you don't want any-" You began.

"I'm fine! I got this!" Scott grunted.

Oh well, if he says he's fine, he's fine. You were going to leave to look for Ramona, but noticed that Kyle grabbed the bottle of Cuervo Especial that Scott set down.

Suspicious, you followed behind as he walked over to where Ramona was, opening the sliding door. "We thought you might need this." Kyle said, handing the bottle to Ramona.

"Oh, you know me so well." Ramona, with a less than charmed tone, grabbed the bottle.

"There's no shame in being yourself Ramona. All this here-" Kyle said before he left. "This is temporary. Real life's waiting."

And the door closed. Through the window door, Ramona had an annoyed, angry expression on her face. Finishing the cigarette she had, she tossed it from the balcony, letting it fall down the building.

Feeling like she needed a little pick-me-up, you stepped forward and opened the door. But before you could say anything...

"Would you piss off?! I'm sick of your crap!" Ramona yelled, but more so out of impulse.

Scott Pligrim vs The World x Reader -  Scott Pilgrim and the True HeroDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora