More androids?!

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More years pass,Nappa has officially married Bulma,Vegeta the 3rd has grown into an 11 year old,Nappa told him stories of where the name Vegeta came from,since then,his son has even been styling his hair like Nappa described it.Goku and Chichi have had another son named Goten.Gohan has become a teenager and goes to orange star high school.Android 17 left New York City and went to become a ranger,while 18 stayed and eventually started dating Krillin.Things were going great for Peter too,which was new to him.With the saibaman patrolling the city stronger than before,he could enjoy normal days as Peter Parker,although he does put on his suit and swing around to stop crime from time to time.One day he was just chilling with Nappa,Goku,along with their wives and children.Goten and Vegeta were play fighting in the park outside.They sensed two powerful energies.

They sensed two powerful energies

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Vegeta:Do you sense that Goten?

Goten:Yeah!Should we tell our dads?Vegeta:Nah

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Goten:Yeah!Should we tell our dads?
Vegeta:Nah.Let's go check for ourselves.
Goten was a very obedient child.Vegeta on the other hand as was brash as his father.But still, Vegeta and Goten got along well.
Vegeta:How about this?We see if they're bad guys,and fight them ourselves first.If it gets really bad,then we'll get our parents?
The children sense the energies coming towards them.They look to see-

Vegeta:What's up you punks?Goten:Hi there,you guys look strong,could we fight you?The duo is silent,the large man steps forward and looks at Vegeta

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

Vegeta:What's up you punks?
Goten:Hi there,you guys look strong,could we fight you?
The duo is silent,the large man steps forward and looks at Vegeta.He points to him and crushes his fist.
Vegeta:Oh really?
Vegeta flies towards the man and punches him, knocking him off his feet.
Vegeta:How do you like me now?
To the boy's surprise,the man stood up with the same blank expression he had since the four met.The large man instantly appeared in front of Vegeta,and punches him into the air. The short purple man walks towards Goten. The boy does a bow,in respect to his opponent. However his opponent did not share that same feeling as he kicks Goten in the throat,sending him back.
Vegeta:You jerk!I'll really hurt you now.
Vegeta charges aura in his entire arm and then strikes the large man into the ground,cratering it.Suddenly Vegeta hears a familiar voice behind him.
Nappa:What's going on here?
Vegeta:Dad!We're fighting these really strong guys.
Nappa:What your doing is-
Suddenly,the giant man appears behind Nappa,kicking the large saiyan away.
Vegeta:Hey!This fights between you and me man!
Nappa came back with a mean left hook, sending the large man back.
Nappa:You sure you can take him?
Vegeta:Of course I can!
Nappa nods and flies a small distance away, watching.
Goten was still stunned from the throat kick as the short man walks towards him.The short man manifests an energy ball in his hand.
Goten(thinking):They can use Ki?Is he about to-
The short man smiled sinisterly and aimed point blank at Goten's face,but he's punched away by-
Goku:Goten,are you ok?
The boy nodded yes.
Goku:Then go to your mom and brother.I'll take care of him.
Goten retreated as Goku angrily stared at the short man,he turns straight into super saiyan.

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