The true god of destruction

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The fighters continue to fly towards Kami and omega.As they do,they are joined by Goten, Vegeta,and Kuriza.
Black Kuriza:They flew off very far it seems.
Soon enough,they reach the fight.Kami and omega throws punches and hit each other in the face.They each push until they send each other back.Kami flies forward and kicks omega, the dragon retaliates with an uppercut that sends Kami flying,but the guardian recovers quickly.Kami manifests white threads of energy.Kami swings the threads at omega,but he grabs ahold of them and pulls Kami in. Omega manifests flames around his fist and revs it back.As Kami gets close enough,omega throws the flaming punch and hits Kami,but for some reason it's him who feels pain.Omega pulls his hand back.
Omega shenron:What are YOU made of?
Kami doesn't respond and just punches omega in the chest,pushing him back.Omega charges at kami when suddenly,the entire group tackles omega.Napoa and Goku wail on omega with blows,but they do nothing.
Omega shenron:Stay in the trash can,trash.
Omega's entire body glows as he burns all of the fighters holding him.Goku still holds on as he makes a large leap in power.Goku lets go eventually and pulls his hands back, manifesting a burning purple ball of energy.
Goku shoots a powerful beam of energy that hits omega dead on.The dust clears to show omega getting upset.
Omega shenron:I've played long enough.
Omega shenron lets out his full power as it creates a large storm of wind and lightning.
Kami:T-this power!
Kami senses the earth,and sees it is in shambles again.Waves flood the cities as others are blown away by hurricanes,fires and blizzards plague the earth up and down.
Kami:His entire power will destroy this planet! No,this universe!
Omega shenron:HAHAHAHA!Correct!Like I said,I am a god of-
???:Of destruction?
The fighters all look behind to see-

Kami:His entire power will destroy this planet! No,this universe!Omega shenron:HAHAHAHA!Correct!Like I said,I am a god of-???:Of destruction?The fighters all look behind to see-

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Beerus:I'll have to disagree with you there.
Kami:Beerus?What are you doing here?
Beerus:I was eating with the Kai's when their little orb thing started showing what was going on here.I checked to hear some dragon babbling about being the god of destruction.
Omega shenron:So you think yourself a god? What kind of god lets THIS happen to their planet?
Beerus:This dirt ball isn't my duty,but guess what is?
Beerus charges at omega and punches him in the face,but to his surprise,omega is still floating strong.Omega throws a punch of his own,actually hurting Beerus.
Beerus:Well well,so you can fight.Kami,you and your buddies stay back,I'll take this one on.
Omega shenron:Oh?Someone's confidant.
Cell:Hey!I did NOT come all this way to be put on the sidelines.
Kami:Wait cell,this might be a blessing in disguise.
Beerus and omega close their eyes.
Beerus and Omega:I've decided.
Omega opens his eyes.
Omega shenron:You,the so called "true god of destruction".
Beerus opens his eyes.
Beerus:You,the one who calls himself "the god of destruction."
Beerus and Omega:I will erase you from the face of existence itself!
Beerus and omega vanish,only large shockwaves and intense explosions appear throughout the sky.
Goku:We can't just stand back and watch this, can we?
Kami:We can,and honestly we should.Use this opportunity to regain our stamina.If omega loses,he loses.
All the fighters power down back to base form. They gaze upon the fight and see Beerus and omega.Omega punches Beerus in the face,but Beerus retaliates with a kick to omega's gut and then his face.Beerus throws a punch but omega dodges and gazes at Beerus.Two beams come form his eyes and hits Beerus in the face. Beerus manifests a purple cluster of energy and throws it at omega.Omega smiles and makes a fireball and throws it.The blasts clash and struggle against each other.
Omega shenron:Dragon thunder!
Omega surrounds his fist in red lightning. Beerus manifests energy around his fist.They charge at each other and punch the clashing blasts,creating a large explosion.Omega and Beerus yell and dispel the dust.They laugh at each other.
Omega shenron:Well,you're not doing that badly.
Beerus:You can fight well yourself.Let's keep this going.
Omega shenron:Of course.
Omega and Beerus laugh loudly as they clash.
Piccolo:Are they seriously enjoying this?
Nappa:As long as he kicks that dragon's ass,I don't care if he likes it.
Omega punches Beerus down through the sky, but Beerus recovers and sends out a barrage of blasts.The blasts hit and bury omega,but he laughs as he swipes his arms up and sends out a force of wind that dissipates the blasts and cuts up Beerus.Beerus gets more excited and charges at omega.Omega closes his eyes and then opens his hand,he then extends it.As Beerus gets closer,he suddenly stops in front of Omega shenron's open hand,suddenly-

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