The Beginning

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Chapter 2

The Beginning

The rain had eased to a drizzle as they started to wait for the others to join them. The guy that Violet had a dagger to the balls turned out to be Jack Barlowe.

"He's gonna be out for me." Violet whispered as they walk to the others. Lily felt the eyes of Garrick on her, watching with interest.

"He's not gonna lay a hand on you." Lily promised. Violet flinched in pain. "What's wrong?"

"My left knee hurts. I slammed it into the Parapet." Violet said.

"Let's get you somewhere where we can look at it." Lily said. A hand comes on their shoulders and the girls turn to see Rhiannon.

"We made it." Rhiannon said, grinning.

"We made it." Lily and Violet said together.

"Speaking of which. We need to trade boots. There's a bench..." Rhiannon started but a tall figure in a uniform steps out of the crowd, charging at them. He pulled Violet into a hug.

"Violet?" The man said.

"Well, hello to you to Dain." Lily said. Dain shoots her a smile and looks at Violet with fear in his eyes.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Dain barks.

"Dain. It's good to see you." Violet said. Lily backs off. Dain was more Violet's best friend. Dain takes Violet and disappears with Rhiannon. Lily sighs.

"Lily?" A familiar voice calls. Lily turned and was pulled into a hug by a good friend.

"Tzipporah?" Lily asked. Tzipporah was tall for her age and a year older then Lily. She was a second year.

"You made it! I knew you could. Was that Violet I saw? What is she doing here? I thought she was going to be a scribe." Tzipporah said.

"Yeah, well, you know how our mother is. Vi had no choice." Lily said. Tzipporah frowned. Tzipporah family was close with Lily's family and Lily and Tzipporah were best friends growing up.

"The General is definetly changed since we were kids." Tzipporah said.

"She has. How have you been?" Lily asked. Tzipporah told her everything and that she was bonded to a Orange Dragon with scorpion tail, named Edna. Dain and Violet came out. Violet slides over and smiles seeing Tzipporah. Rhiannon joins them. Tzipporah hugged Violet and disappeared to join her Squad.

"You alright?" Lily asked.

"I'm good to go." Violet said with a smile. Lily sighed in relief.

An hour passed, then another according to the bells. The last rof the cadets walk into the courtyard with the three other riders. Xaden was the tallest of the three. Silence fills the air as Commandant Panchek moves to the front.

"Three hundred and one of you have survived the parapet to become cadets tdoay." Commandant pancheck said, with a smile on his face. "Good job. Sixty-seven did not." Lily sighed.

"I've heard this position is just a stepping stone for him." A girl who Lily heard name was Tara said. "He wants Sorrengail's job."

"He also wants General Melgren's." Lily said. It was a common knowledge. Lily never liked the General Melgren. His beady eyes always creeped her out.

"General Melgren's?" Rhiannon asked.

"He'll never get it. Melgren's dragon gives him the signet ability to see a battle's outcome before it happens. There's no beating that, and you can't be assassinated if you know it's coming." Violet explain.

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