Destination Reached

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Chapter 30

Destination Reached

They fly into the morning and then the afternoon. Andarna hooked onto Tairn's harness midflight. Lily ate some of the food she had grabbed. They skirt the thousands-foot-high Cliffs of Dralor that give Tyrrendor a geological advantage over every province in the kigdom. There was a pulling sensation in Lily's chest, then a snap as they cross the barrier of the wards.

'It feels different.' Lily said to Lyssa.

'Without the wards, magic is wilder her. It's easier for dragons to communicate within the wards. The Wingleader will have to take that into account when commanding his wing from this outpost.' Lyssa said.

'Pretty sure he thought of that.' Lily told her. Garrick was flying near Lily. It was nearly one o'clock in the afternoon when they approach athebyne, stopping, at the order of the dragons, at a lake closest to the outpost for them to drink. The lake was smooth as glass. A thick forest surrounds the lake.

There were 11 dragons in all. Lily realizes that her, Violet, and Liam were the only first years. Chradh and Lyssa land together. Deigh lands beside Tairn.

"I have to go talk to Xaden." Garrick said, jumping off as Lily slid off Lyssa. Lily groaned from sitting on Lyssa long, earning a chuckle from Garrick. "You'll get use to it." Garrick comes over and kisses her forehead and then disappeared.

"Get water, both of you." Lily turned to her dragon and Garrick's. Chradh huffed and moved to the water. Lyssa sent a steam of smoke at her. "Hey. None of that."

'We will. Go stretch.' Lyssa growled. Lily grabs her bag and looks for some left over food. Her stomach was growling. 'Looks like you need food.'

'Shut up.' Lily thought. Lily found food and started eating. Lily found a rock to sit on. Liam and Violet were talking, while Garrick and Xaden were having a nice conversation.

"You doing alright, Sorrengail?" Imogen said, coming over.

"Yeah, just hungry. Nice to get away from Basgiath." Lily said.

"It is a nice change." Imogen said. Lily looked at her.

"I thought you hated me and my sister." Lily said. Imogen laughed.

"I did, but with you and your sister connected to Xaden and Garrick now. You wormed your way slowly in. Don't get use to it, Lily. You are a good fighter." Imogen said. Garrick was heading her way and Imogen moves away. Lily saw Violet and Xaden disappear.

"Chradh says your bossy?" Garrick asked.

"Not really. I was telling them to get water." Lily said. Garrick chuckled. Garrick leaned against the rock and looked out at the lake. "It's beautiful here."

"It is." Garrick said, but Lily saw him watching her.

"Travis." Lily said with a smirk. Garrick came over and pulled her into a kiss. Lily melted into the kiss.

'Gryphons!" Lyssa's voice came. Garrick and Lily pulled apart.

"Shit. Violet." Lily said, getting off the rock and running. Everyone followed.

"Xaden!" Bodhi called. They come to a meadow where a pair of gryphon flyers wer standing thirty feet away. Xaden was standing in front of Violet. Imogen, Bodhi, and a third year, and Liam joined them. Violet looked at all of them. Lily was in the middle with Garrick. Violet looked confused, seeing none of them reaching for their weapons. The sky suddenly crackles.

'Well shit.' Lily thought as Xaden turns and hauls Violet against his chest, wrapping his arms around her, pinning her arms to her side as the their dragons soon join them in the meadow.

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