Consription Day

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Chapter 37

Consription Day

"I've never seen this room before." Ridoc said, sitting next to Lily as they sat in a U-shaped ampitheater-style classrom on the third floor for Orientation. The noise outside is growing to a steady hum as civilians arrive for Consription Day tomorrow, but it's still quiet within the walls of the Quadrant. They had spent the whole week preparing for the first-years arrival, learning their roles at Parapet, and drinking at night. Lily had bags under her eyes from not sleeping well. She missed Garrick, but was keeping busy like promised.

"We've never been second-years before." Rhiannon said on Violet's other side. The twins were sitting next to each other.

"Good point." Rioc said.

"Made it!" Nadine said, sliding in next to Ridoc. "How have I never been in this room before." Rhiannon shakes her head.

"We've never been second-years before." Lily said.

"What happened to your hand?" Rhiannon asked.

"It's embarrassing." Nadine said, lifting her hand. "I slipped and sprained it on the steps last night. Don't worry, the healers think Nolon might have an opening for me tomorrow before Parapet. He's been run ragged since War Games." Lily raised an eyebrow.

"That man man needs a break." Rhiannon said.

"I wish we had a break like the other quadrants." Ridoc said, tapping his desk. "Even five or six days to get away."

"I'm still recovering for the last six-day break I had away from here." Violet joked.

"Same." Lily said with a yawn. Everyone went quiet.

"I'm around if you want to talk." Rhiannon said. Lily just adjusts in her seat.

"Good afternoon, second years." Lily looks at the front. A tall rider strides to the center of the floor, quieting the room. "I am Captain.." He winces, scratching the trim beard that's a shade darker than his light golden skin. "Proffesor Glady. And, as you can tell, I'm new this year and getting used to the whole Professor Title, as well as being about twenty-one-year-old kids again. It's been awhile since I've been in the Quadrant." He turns towards the end of the classroom. One section where there were no seats. He crooks his fingers at the heavy wooden desk there. Lesser magic makes it screech across the floor until Professor Grady puts his palm out. It stops. He turns towards them and leans back against the edge of the desk. "That's bettter. Congradulation on living through your first year." He gaze raking over each and every one of them. "There are eighty-nine of you in this room. From what the scribes tell me, you are the smallest class to walk this hall since the First Six. Lily looked around the room at the empty rows of seats above First Wing. They knew last year that they had the fewest number of dragons willing to bond, but it was setting in more now.

'Few dragons are bonding. Is that because they Empyrean knows about the Venin?' Lily asked Lyssa.

'Yes.' Lyssa said.

'But we need more riders. Not fewer.' Lily told her.

'The Empyrean remains divided on whether or not we should get involved. Humans aren't the only ones keepign secrets.' Lyssa grumbled. She was crabby the last few days. Lily didn't blame her.

"But the second year brings its own challenges." Grady continues. Lily looks back at the new Professor. "Last year, you learned how to ride the dragons who chose you. This year, you'll learn what to do it you fall off. Welcome to Rider Survival Course, or RSC for short."

"What the hell is that?" Ridoc mutters.

"I don't know." Violet whispered.

"I got a bad feeling about this." Lily whispered.

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