A Long Awaited Challenge

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Chapter 19

A Long Awaited Challenge

Next thing they know. They were in January. It had been colder to the point the dragons didn't want to fly at times so more days were spent in the gym. Lily had won a few new daggers with challenges. She kept the daggers Xaden and Garrick gave her in her room during challenges so she didn't loose them. Violet pulled Lily aside one day to inform her that Jack gets to challenge her that day. Lily didn't like it, but Lily promised she wouldn't tell Xaden or Garrick about it.

"I don't like you keeping this from Xaden." Lily said as they stood around the mat. Liam didn't look happy either as Lily stood with her arms crossed.

"And you didn't tell Garrick?" Violet asked.

"No. He's not gonna be happy about this." Lily said as Professor Emetterio called out the challenges assigning them to the mat.

"Mat seventeen, Jack Barlowe from First Wing versus Violet Sorrengail." Emetterio said. The blood drains from Liam's face.

"No fucking way." Ridoc growls from next to Lily.

"Finally!" Jack said, throwing his arms up in the air.

"Let's do this." Violet said, rolling her shoulders. Ridoc, Liam, and Lily weren't called to the mat. They walk with Violet.

"Tell me I can break the promise." Liam begs.

"The third-years are off doing third-year things. You can't get him here in time, but I know what it means to you to keep your word. Especially with him. Go ahead." Violet said. He looks at Lily and Ridoc.

"Guard her like you're me." Liam orders.

"I'm not leaving her." Lily promised.

"Yoy mean like I'm six inches taller and built like a bull. Sure. I'll do my best. In the meantime, you better run." Ridoc promised.

"Stay alive." Liam ordered Violet.

"Working on it, and not just for my sake." Violet said. She gave him a smile. "Thanks for being a great shadow." Liam takes off running. Tzipporah runs over.

"This can't be good." Tzipporah said.

"Your telling me." Lily grumbled.

"Barlowe and Sorrengail. Weapons?" Emetterio asked. Jack bounces like a kid that just got a gift.

"Anything she can hold on those puny hands of hers." Jack said. Violet steps onto the mat, facing each other.

"No wielding. Tap out or knockout earns you a victory." Emetterio said. Lily and Tzipporah stood watching as a crowd gathered.

"Are you shielding Garrick so he doesn't find out and tell Xaden?" Tzipporah whispered.

"Yes. Why?" Lily asked as Violet pulled out her daggers from her boots.

"His emotions are agrivated. I think he knows your hiding something. Garrick asked if you were pissed at him for something." Tzipporah said. Lily sighed.

"I'll talk to him after this. Violet wanted me to keep this from Xaden and I know Garrick will tell him." Lily said as Violet and Jack face off. Jack only had one knife. Lily stood with her arms crossed. "I'm not liking this." Tzipporah was chewing her lip.

"You're kidding, right? Only one?" Violet asked.

"I only need one." Jack said with a sickening grin.

"Keep it clean. Go!" Emetterio called. Lily hoped it was. Jack lunges, striking out with his knife. Violet slices her dagger across the back of his hand, drawing blood.

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