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Chapter 16

Lily kept her promise. She didn't tell anyone about what the Marked Ones were doing. She hated hiding the truth from her sister, but the thought that Venin were real was terrifying. Garrick didn't leave her when she found out the truth. Liam started worming his way into the twins friends. Lily realized he was very nice and laid back. Lily felt like he wanted to belong. Violet was warming up to him as well.

"I want to be like the cool kids." Rhiannon grumbled as Lily came to their group after Professor Carr's classroom with Sawyer behind her.

"You will." Lily said with a smile. Violet and Lily link arms with Rhiannon.

"You may be cool, but you will never be as cool as I am." Ridoc said, throwing his arm around Violet.

"She's talking about everyone who's already channeling. Though at least if we're not channeling, we're not stressed about manifesting a signet before the magic kills us." Violet said.

"Oh, I thought we were discussing how I just owned that physics test. Definitely the highest score in the class." Ridoc said. Lily snorts as Rhiannon rolls her eyes.

"Please. I scored five points higher than you." Rhiannon said.

"We stopped counting your grades months ago. Your grades in that class make it unfair for the rest of us. Wait. What did you get, Mairi?" Ridoc asked.

"Not getting into the middle of this." Liam said. Lily laughed as they head into the briefing room. They slide into their seats in the briefing room. Violet stiffened.

"Riorson just got here." Liam said from his seat to Violet's right, breaking from the little dragon figurine he was carving.

"Figured." Violet said. Lily turned her head and saw Garrick sitting next to Xaden in the third years. Garrick smirked at her.

'I got something to give you tonight.' Garrick said through their bond as Lily blocked out her friends conversation.

'What is it?' Lily asked. Garrick chuckles.

'It's what you asked Xaden the other night.' Garrick said. Lily smiled.

"I'm guessing he didn't tell you or your sister?" Liam's voice pulled her away from Garrick.

"What?" Lily asked.

"He warded your door and your sisters door was warded by Garrick. So only you two can open them." Liam said. Lily's eyes widen.

"But they are the ones who warded both doors, then they can get in, too, right?" Violet asked.

"Well yeah." Liam said. Professor Markham and Professor Devera walk down the steps. "But it's not like Riorson or Travis is going to kill you."

"Right. You see, I'm still adjusting to the little change of heart." Violet said.

'Thanks for not telling me you warded my room.' Lily grumbled to Garrick.

'I was going to tell you tonight.' Garrick grumbled, not happy that Liam told her. Lily sighed.

"If we can get started?" Markham called out. The room falls silent. "Excellent."

"First announcement. We've decided that not only will the winners of this years Squad Battle receive bragging rights, but they'll also be given a trip to the front lines to shadow an active wing." Devera said. Cheers break out.

"So if we win, we get a chance to die sooner?" Rhiannon whispered.

"Maybe they're trying a reverse phychology thing." Violet said. Lily wondered if they were but it was a good treat.

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