New Orders

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Chapter 36

New Orders

Lily moved into her new room. There was a party being thrown, but Lily didn't want to go. She was already out of her room and headed for the balcony her and Garrick like to spend their time together. Garrick had his back to her when she came out onto the balcony. Garrick turned and Lily wrapped her arms around him and they stood hugging.

"Xaden is fine with going in the morning. He'll sleep in Bodhi's room and we'll leave together." Garrick said, pressing a kiss to her forehead. Lily rested her head on his chest as she closed his eyes.

"I'm stealing one of your shirts before you leave." Lily whispered. She was going to miss him, but having a shirt with his smell should help her sleep. Garrick chuckled.

"I'm gonna miss you Princess." Garrick said.

"Same here." Lily said.

"Athena will be here on Consription Day." Garrick said.

"Rhiannon said if she is Squad Leader, she'll make sure Athena is on our Squad along with Liam's sister." Lily said. Garrick smiled. "And I'll make sure she stops in to visit when your here."

"Thank you." Garrick said. They stood holding each other.

"Ahh. I thought I find you here, Travis. Sorrengail." Aetos voice came. Garrick and Lily turn to see Aetos coming towards them with a rider wearing the rank of major. "Riorson said you wouldn't be leaving for the Southern Wing till tomorrow." Lily felt her chest tighten. Xaden and Garrick were being sent to the front.

"I'd say, me and Riorson will be back before you can miss us." Garrick said, wrapping an arm around Lily and keeps her close. "But word has it you pissed off General Sorrengail enough to be reassigned to a coastal outpost." Aetos face blotches.

"I might not be here, but you won't be as often either. Only once every fortnight, according to your new orders." Aetos said. Lily and Garrick share looks. The major slides his hand into the breast pocket and pulls out two folded missives. A cruel smile on his lips. "Riorson and the other Sorrengail got their same orders. You all have the same so you can all come and go together on the days." Lily clenched her fist. "Now. Where are my manners? Lily, this is your new vice Commandant, Major Varrish. He's here to tighten the ship, as they say. We seem to have gotten a little lax with what we allow around here. Naturally the Quadrant's current executive commandant will still see to operations, but Varrish's new position only answers to Panchek.

"Cadet Sorrengail." Lily corrected.

"The General's daughter." Varrish said. He looked Lily over and Lily cringed at his glare as his eyes look on every dagger on Lily. "Fascinating. I heard your a lot like your mother that you survived this long."

"Mmm. I don't like being compared to my mother. I made it through this without her." Lily said. Garrick takes both missives, not touching Varrish's hands. Lily takes her and opens it and unfold the orders from Melgren. It read: Cadet Lily Sorrengail is hereby given two days of leave once every fourteen days to be used only to fly with Lyssa directly to and from Chradh's current duty station or location. Any other absence from classes will be considered a punishable offense. She can leave the same time Violet Sorrengail leaves.

Lily gritted her teeth and Garrick looked pissed and Lily knew he had the same orders and Lily felt Violet and Xaden did also. They were rotating their leaves which put them at every seven days. A week? Lily knew this wasn't gonna be good for their dragons. They'll be in near-constant pain. Lily felt her anger bubble.

'Lyssa?' Lily reached out for her dragon. Lyssa's roar filled her head and Lily felt her heart break. Lily was glad Garrick was staying for the night.

"Dragons give their own orders." Garrick growled.

"Guess we'll see." Aetos said. His eyes land on Lily. "You know, I was worried about our conversation until I remembered something."

"And what is that?" Lily asked, anger in her voice.

"Secrets make for poor leverage. They die with the people who keep them." Aetos said. Lily's stomach turned.

"Good thing we're not keeping secrets." Garrick said.

"Riorson said the same thing." Aetos said. Lily felt Garrick's arm tighten on her waiste. "Do be careful who you share your war stories with, Lily. I'd hate to see your mother lose one of her daughters." He leaves with Varrish. Lily put her hands to her face.

"He just threatened your life and Violet's." Garrick growled.

"And Mira's. Damnit." Lily said.

"Let's get you to your room. Chradh is calming Lyssa down, but he's pissed as well." Garrick said. Garrick kept her close to his side as they head to their room.

"They are gonna be in so much pain." Lily whispered.

"I know. But you and Violet can come to us at the same time and me and Xaden to you also." Garrick said. They reach her room and Garrick and her step in. Lily closed the door and locked it. She turned to see Garrick standing there, watching her. He had a sad look on his face. 7 days apart. Lily came up to Garrick and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, hard. Garrick pulled her tight against his body and kissed her. He picked her up and carried her to her bed. That night. They made love late into the night, not wanting to spend the time apart.

Lily woke up to Garrick getting out of bed as the sun barely was up. Garrick got dressed. Lily sat up and wrapped her arms around him from behind as he sat on the bed to pull on the boots.

"Stay busy and time will fly for you." Garrick said, touching her hands. Lily nods.

"I love you." Lily whispered. Garrick turned and kissed her on the lips.

"I love you too." Garrick said. He stood up and tossed her his shirt from yesterday. "Go back to sleep, Princess. I'll be counting the days till I see you again." Garrick picked up his rucksack. Garrick came over and kissed her again. Lily tried pulling him back on the bed. Garrick chuckled. "Keep this up and I won't be leaving at all."

"Please." Lily whispered. Garrick kissed her forehead.

"As tempting as it is. I need to go. I'll see you in seven days." Garrick promised and he headed for the door. Garrick took one last look and left out the door. Lily grabbed his shirt and brought it to her nose and laid down, tears falling down her checks as she hugged the shirt to her. Sleep took her and she dreamed of Garrick.

AN: Least they got a night together before Garrick left. Till next time.

The Other SorrengailOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora