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Chapter 39


"Garrick." Lily whispred, her neck hurting as she talked. Garrick strolled up to her, his eyes lingering on her short hair and the bruises that were forming on her neck. "It's been eight days."

"I know." Garrick said, taking her face in his hands. Lily leaned into his touch as he ran his thumbs along her checks. "And from what Lyssa showed Chradh and her nearly biting my head off, I should of came sooner even without Xaden." Rage filled his eyes. "And your hair..."

"I know. I'm sorry. Solas did it. I had no choice." Lily whispered. Garrick pulled her into a hug. Lily hugged him, hard. Garrick burried his head in her hair. "I missed you."

"I missed you too, Princess. We got all night. Xaden will deal with stuff while I stay with you." Garrick whispered. Garrick kissed her on the lips and she returned the kiss. Lily relaxed in his touch.

An hour later. Lily was bathed and in one of Garrick's shirts that he saved for her. As Garrick went to find her food, Lily informed Athena Garrick was there and to come up in an hour. Athena's eyes lit up but nodded. It hurt to eat, but Lily ate the soup as she sat in front of Garrick as he told her about his station.

"Your sharing a room with three others." Lily said with a chuckle.

"I'll make sure you have a room when you visit. Not gonna share you." Garrick said, kissing her forehead, his fingers running down her dragon relic. Lily leaned her head against his shoulder.

A knock on the door came.

"You expecting company?" Garrick asked. Lily nodded.

"Come in." Lily called. Athena quickly stepped in with a huge smile on her face. Garrick looked surprised as Lily moved as Athena launched herself at her brother, hugging him tight.

"Athena." Garrick said with a laugh as he hugged her back. "You made it."

"I did and Lily saved me from Solas." Athena said. Garrick looked at Lily and Lily smiled.

"It's why my hair burned. I was protecting her." Lily said. Garrick smiled. Athena started talking non stop and Lily moved back to Garrick's arms. Garrick smiled seeing that his sister was getting along with Lily.

"When do you leave?" Athena asked.

"We leave tomorrow morning." Garrick said with disappointment. Athena frowned. Lily snuggled closer to Garrick. His arms tightened around her.

"I'll leave you two alone. Maybe we should do this the days you are here." Athena said, getting off the bed. Garrick smiled.

"We can." Garrick said. Athena headed to the door and turned back.

"I'm happy you found someone, Big Brother. She's a keeper." Athena said. Lily smiled as Athena left. Garrick pressed a kiss to her forehead. Lily moved away from him and turned to face him. Garrick looked at her. Her neck was already turning black and blue. She winced in pain as she moved her head a bit. Garrick saw red. He wished he had killed the first year before she got hurt.

"I'm tempted to take you and head back home." Garrick growled. Lily shook her head.

"Xaden needs you with him. I don't trust Varrish with my sister. I can't leave her." Lily whispered. Garrick felt conflicted. Lily crawled into his lap. She sat down on his lap. He put his hands on her hips and look into her eyes.

"Your in your second year. They will start with..." Garrick started.

"I know. I'll make it through it." Lily whispered. Garrick ran his hand up her body. She shivered at his touch. Lily ran her fingers down his jaw. She gasped as Garrick pushed her on the bed and crawled on top of her. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck as he pushed his shirt up heg legs as his lips crash with hers. Lily wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tight to her.

"Gods. I missed you." Garrick whispered as he slid his hands up her legs as his lips slid down her neck. Lily fliched when he hit the tender skin, but Garrick was being gentle with her. Lily felt his erection through his pants. Lily wrapped her leg around his waste and used her strength to roll them so she was on top.

"To much clothing." Lily whispered, grabbing her shirt and pulling it off. Garrick smiled. Garrick sat up and she pulled his shirt off. She ran her fingers down his chest. Lily slid down his body till her fingers slid to grab ahold of his pants. Garrick let her pull them off. Lily crawled up to him and kissed him. Garrick's hands slid into her hair. "I need you."

"You got me." Garrick bit her lower lip. Lily slid her core down his length and both moaned as he filled her. Lily sat up and ran her hand through her hair as she started to rotate her hips on him. Garrick grabbed her waiste and helpe her, meeting her hips with his. Lily gasped as he went deep. Garrick sat up and kissed her as she rode him. Lily wrapped an arm around his neck as he thrusted into her. Eight days seperated and both needed this. Garrick felt her nails dig into his back and he kept pace with her.

"Garrick." Lily whimpered against his lips as he sped up. Garrick flipped them and burried his face in her shoulder as she arched her back into his body as she felt her climax hit her and Garrick did one last thrust and came. Lily kissed Garrick's check. He rolled off her. Lily groaned from the emptiness. Garrick chuckled and pulled her tight against his body.

"Do you have to leave tomorrow?" Lily whispered.

"I wished we would of came sooner and had more time but yes. Xaden isn't happy about it either, but him and Violet are still trying to fix things while our relationship is strong." Garrick said. Lily curled closer. "Try and get to us in 7 days sooner so we have all day."

"Violet and I were talking of leaving at midnight." Lily said. Garrick nodded. "Can I walk with you to the flight field when you leave?" Garrick nodded.

"We need you to turn the packs invisible that we are taking weapons in. I don't think Xaden will mind." Garrick said. Lily yawned. "You haven't been sleeping?"

"Not really. Nightmares of the attack and missing you next to me." Lily said. Garrick grabbed her chin and made her look at him.

"Get some sleep now. I'll wake you so you can come with me. I'm not sleeping good either." Garrick said. Lily turned so her back was to him and Garrick wrapped his body around her. Garrick took her hand and Lily finally after days of lack of sleep, fell into a dreamless sleep.

The next morning. Garrick and Lily met Xaden at dawn. Lily hugged Xaden.

"You alright?" Xaden said as Lily walked up to the packs and turned them invisible after Xaden, Bodhi, and Garrick picked them up. Lily picked up the last one and turned it invisible.

"I'm not in pain today." Lily said as they walked towards the Flight Field. They kept their eyes out, but saw no one following. Sgaeyl and Chradh was waiting for them. Garrick helped Xaden and Bodhi put the packs on. Lily came up to Chradh and put her hand on his nose.

'Good to see you, Princess.' Chradh said. Lily smiled.

'Keep an eye on him for me.' Lily said.

'I Will. Try not to get Lyssa more mad at you. I didn't hear the end of it.' Chradh said. Garrick came up to her as Xaden and Bodhi whispered. Lily wrapped her arms around Garrick's neck.

"I wished we had more time together. Thank you for keeping an eye on Athena." Garrick said.

"I'll see you soon." Lily promised. Garrick kissed her and Lily melted into the kiss.

"Let's get going, Garrick." Xaden said. Garrick gave her one last hug. Lily went to stand with Bodhi, not missing the sad look Xaden gave her and Garrick. Garrick got on Chradh. He looked at Lily and smiled. Chradh and Sgaeyl launched into the air.

'Hopefully time will go fast.' Lily thought. Bodhi and her walked back towards the school.

AN: Brother and Sister reunited and they had time together. I do have another story of King Tauri having a daughter posted. It's called Fated to be Together. Go check it out. Till next time.

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