War Games

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Chapter 26
War Games

The day before the War Games. Lily sat on top of Lyssa on top of one of the mountains. Garrick was on top of Chradh next to her. Violet was getting worried that she didn't get her signet yet. Chradh bumped Lyssa's head gently. Lily smiled. It was May and tomorrow will be the first War Game. Lily was excited.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Garrick asked, looking at Lily.

"I'm ready. So is Lyssa." Lily said, rubbing Lyssa's neck. Garrick chuckled.

"I wouldn't doubt it. You'll do a good job." Garrick said. Lily smiled at him. "I have to help Xaden with stuff for tomorrow. So, I won't visit tonight. Make sure you rest up."

"Will do, Section Leader." Lily said with a salute. Chradh chuffed. Garrick rolled his eyes. Lyssa launched into the air and Chradh followed.

The next day. The afternoon sun beat down on them as they stood in formation. Lily had her daggers in their holders and her sword strapped to her back. Lily kept her promise to Garrick and slept good last night in one of the shirts she stole from his room.

"What do you think our assignment is going to be?" Liam asked as he stood between the twins. "Deigh thinks we're on offense. He won't stop going on about getting to kick Gleann's ass..." He stopped as he listened to his dragon. "Guess dragons hold grudges."

'He's not wrong there. I'm fine with whatever.' Lyssa said. Lily smiled. Leadership was gathered in front of everyone, getting their assignments from Xaden.

"We're definitely on offense. Otherwise, we'd already be in the field. I haven't seen a single rider from First Wing since lunch." Rhiannon said. Lily and Violet share looks. Looks like their first opponent would be First Wing and Jack hadn't forgiven Violet for putting him in the hospital for four days.

"I think she's right." Lily said. Violet nodded.

"Why do you think riders wear black anyways?" Violet asked, pulling at her flight jacket a bit.

"Because it's badass." Ridoc said from behind Lily.

"So it's harder to see when we bleed." Imogen said.

"Forget I asked." Violet mumbled. Lily nudged her sister. Violet was looking at Xaden.

"You talking through the bond?" Lily whispered as a smile creeps Violet's face.

"Yes." Violet said. Lily saw Xaden shoot a glare at Violet as he continued talking. "I wished you would of told me sooner. How much fun do you have with Garrick?"

"Mmm. If you only knew what I do to him." Lily said with a smirk. Violet could only imagine.

'You talking about me? I can see that smile on your face.' Garrick said.

"Mmm. Maybe.' Lily told him. Garrick shot her a knowing smile. 'You better be coming my room tonight.' Lily sent him a mental image of her naked and Garrick stiffened. Lily chuckled.

"You two." Violet whispered.

'Your gonna pay for that later.' Garrick told her. Lily just smiled.

"You hear from Mira?" Rhiannon asked. The twins shake their head. "That's just inhumane."

"Did you honestly think they'd break the no-correspondence rule? Even if they tried, Mom would have shut that down with a quickness." Lily said. Rhiannon sighed. The leadership meeting breaks up and Dain heads their way. Garrick shot Lily a glare as he walked away with Xaden and Lily gave an innocent smile.

'I love you.' Lily said through their bond.

'Your a terror, Princess, but I love you too.' Garrick said.

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