Squad Battles

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Chapter 22
Squad Battles

"Tap out!" Rhiannon yells at rider from Second Wing. He was fighting to drag himself forward on the mat as Liam holds him in a leg lock, forcing his back into what would be an impossible arch. It was the last challeng of the Squad Battle. Lily had won the second to last battle with a girl from First Wing after putting her in a headlock that she couldn't break. Lily stood with her sister, covered in sweat. They were right now in seventh out of the twenty-four on the leaderboard, but if Liam won, they will jump to third. Violet's flight time was the slowest in the squad, because Tairn had to keep catching Violet every time she fell. Lily's was close to the top with Lyssa.

"You got this, Liam." Lily called as Mikael cries out in pain as Liam holds fast and presses his advantage.

"Fuck me, that looks like it hurts." Violet said.

"Yeah, he's not walking for awhile." Ridoc acrees. Mikael slams his palm into the mat three times and the crowd cheers.

"Yes! Go, Liam!" Sawyer yells as Liam drops Mikael to the mat.

"We won!"

Liam rushes for us. Lily and Violet are sweput up in a tangle of arms as everyone cheers. Lily had a huge smile on her face. Dain was the onl one missing. Lily looked around and didn't see Garrick. She raised an eyebrow. He had been there earlier to see her sparring and now he suddenly disappeared.

"Your winner. Liam Mairi from Second Squad, Flame Section, Fourth Wing." Emetterio shouts. Liam puts his hands up in victory and turns in a small circle.

Commandant Panchek steps onto the mat and Liam joins us.

"I know you were all expecting the last portion of the Squad Battle to happen tomorrow, but the cadre and I have a surprise." Panchek said. The room feel silent. "Instead of telling you what the final, unknown task will be and giving you tonight to plan for it, your final task will begin this hour!" Lily's eyes widen.

"Tonight?" Ridoc whispers.

"Dain isn't here. Neither is Cianna." Violet said.

"Oh shit." Imogen said. Lily realized that Violet was right.

"As you have noticed, your squad leaders and their executive officers have been... shall we say, sequestered with your section leaders and wingleaders, and no, before someone asks, your task is not to find them. You are to break into your squads and accomplish a unique mission this evening without the leadership and instruction of your squad leaders." Panchek said. Lily raised an eyebrow at that.

"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of having squad leaders?" Someone asked.

"The purpose of a squad leader is to form a tightly knit unit that can carry on with a mission after their demise. Consider your leaders... demised." Panchek said with a smile. "You're on your own, riders. Your mission is simple: Find and aquire, by any means necessary, the one thing that would be most advantageous to our enemies regarding the war effort. Leadership will serve as unbiased judges, and the winning squad will be awarded sixty points."

"That's enough to put us into first." Lily whispered. Rhiannon nodded.

"We could win the glory of going to the front." Rhiannon said. Violet and Lily share smiles.

"What are the boundaries?"

"Anything within the wall of Basgiath. And don't you dare let me see you trying to haul a dragon back here. They'll incinerate you out of sheer annoyance." Panchek said. There were mudders of disappointment. "You have three hours, at which time we'll expect you to present your stolen treasures in the Battle Brief room." Everyone stares at him. "What are you waiting for. Go!" Everyone starts to leave.

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