First Day

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Chapter 3

First Day

Lily and Violet stood in formation as the death roll was read off from yesterday. Lily stood with Violet and Rhiannon, who welcomed Lily into their friendship. Lily tuned out most of the people that were named off. She didn't know them.

'As the months go, I'll know the names.' Lily thought. Dain stood in front of them. Lily eyes roam for a bit. She hated long standings and felt ancy. Her eyes land on the Flame section where Garrick stood with his squad. Garrick didn't look her way. Lily pushed a strand out of her face as Captain Fitzgibbons read the last name on the scroll. A scribe took the roll and walked away.

"Hopefully you all ate breakfast, because you're not going to get another chance before lunch." Dain said, looking at Violet, but quickly looks away. Lily rolled her eyes.

"He's good at pretending he doesn't know you." Lily whispered.

"He is." Violet said. A small smile plays on her lips but disappears. Lily was still looking at Garrick but looks away when he looks towards her. Violet elbows her. "Your eying a third year? Remember what Miria said." Violet hissed in her twin's ear.

"I'm not." Lily said.

"You are." Violet said. Dain shot the twins a glare.

"Second and third years, I'm assuming you know where to go." Dain calls. Mumbles come from the higher classes. Dain looked at the first years. "First years, at least one of you should have memorized your academic schedule when it was handed out yesterday." Lily and Violet share smiles. They both did. "Stick together. I expect you all to be alive when we meet this afternoon in the sparring gym." Lily's grin widened. Sparring was one of her favorites. She enjoyed it. It only be two times a week, but Lily was fine with it.

"Don't worry." Lily said, seeing the worried look on Violet's face. "You'll figure out a way to beat someone's butt." Violet gave her a weak smile.

"You least don't have to worry. You've taken people older than you." Violet said. Lily shrugged.

"And if we don't?" A smart ass asked. Lily snorts.

"Then I won't have to be concerned with learning your name, since it will be read off tomorrow morning. A second-year snort.

"Sawyer?" Dain looks at a first year.

"I'll get them there." Sawyer, who had a freckled face said. He was a repeat. He didn't get bonded to a dragon last Threshing.

"Get going." Dain orders. The squad breaks apart as others do. Second and third years walk off in different directions. Dain seems to disappear into the crowd.

"We have twenty minutes to get to class." Sawyer said as he turned to the nine first years. "Fourth floor, second room on the left in the Academic Wing. Get your shit and don't be late." Sawyer disappears.

"That was to be hard. Being set back and having to do this all over again." Rhiannon said.

"Better than being dead." The boy with a smart mouth. Lily remembered his name as Ridoc. They had all met during dinner last night.

"That's true." Violet said.

"I overheard a third year say that a first year survives Threshing unbonded, the quadrant lets them repeat the year and try again if they want." Rhiannon said.

"It's true." Lily said as they walk. A whistle comes and Lily recognizes as the call Dain does with Violet. Violet goes to open her mouth. "Go. I'll cover you and I'll grab your stuff from our room." Violet smiled.

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