Skipping Class

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Chapter 21
Skipping Class

It was now March and the weather was warming up just a bit. Lily pulled her fur lined cloak closer around her as she yawned. Garrick had kept her up most of the night talking and doing other stuff. She was tired as hell as they stood in formation as Fitzgibbons read from the death roll.

"Sharla Gunter and Mushin Vedie. We commend their souls to Malek." Fitzgibbons said.

"Vedie?" Violet asked as she looked at Rhiannon.

"You didn't hear? His signet manifested in the middle of Carr's class yesterday, and he burst into flames." Rhiannon said.

"He burned himself to death?" Violet asked. Rhiannon nodded.

"Tara said Carr thinks he was supposed to be able to wield fire, but it just overwhelmed him in the first rush and..." Rhiannon started.

"He went up like a torch. Kind of makes you glad your signet's still hiding, huh?" Ridoc asked. Lily and Violet share looks.

"Hiding is one way to put it." Violet said.

"Definitely makes me want to skip class today. I'm so tired." Lily yawned.

"Got laid last night?" Ridoc waggled his eyebrows.

"It's none of your business about my sex life." Lily growled. Violet and Rhiannon chuckled.

"Least one of us is getting laid." Violet whispered to Lily. Lily snorted.

"No skipping class." Dain glares at his squad. "We're weeks away from the Squad Battle and we need every single one of you at your best to win." Imogen snorts.

"Come on, Aetos, I think we all know Second Wing has the Squad in Tail Section that's going to smoke the rest of us. Have you ever seen them sprint up the Gauntlet? Pretty sure they've been out there even though it's still covered in ice." Imogen said.

"We're going to win." Cianna, their executive officer, said with a nod. "Sorrengail here might slow us down on the Gauntlet and probably in the weilding department, too, at the rate she's advancing unlike her sister here." Lily glared at her.

"Gee, thanks." Violet said, folding her arms.

"But Rhiannon's skills more make up for that along with Lily's. And we all know Liam, Lily, and Heaton are both going to decimate on the mat for the challenge competition. That only leaves flight maneuvers and whatever task the Wingleaders come up with to judge this year." Cianna said.

"Oh, is that all? Man, I thought it was going to be hard." Ridoc retorts, getting a glare from Dain.

"We're down to 11 of you. Thirteen of us in total, which puts us at a slight disadvantage against a couple other squads, but I think we'll manage." Dain said. Lily sighed. "But in order to manage, I need you guys to get to class." Dain looks at Violet. "Especially you. A signet would be great, you know. If you can maybe make that happen." Lily glared at Dain along with Violet.

"Lily and Violet are going to miss Carr's class today." Xaden interupts coming over with Garrick. Lily turned to look at them.

"No we're not." Lily and Violet said.

"Violet needs to go and so does Lily. I mean, unless the wing has more pressing matter for both Cadet Sorrengail's, her time is best spent developing her wielding skills." Dain said, through gritted teeth.

"I think we both know that Violet is not going to manifest a signet in that room. She would have already if that was the key." Xaden said. Lily wondered why they wanted her. "And yes, the wing has more pressing matter for both girls. Lily is well advanced with her Signet. So, she's allowed to miss this class."

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