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Chapter 42

Bodhi was waiting in the field when Lyssa touches down. Violet was called to a area for punishment with Carr and Varrish.

"Where's Violet?" Bodhi asked.

"Varrish is carrying out her punishment. I'm not happy about it." Lily said, jumping off. Bodhi didn't look happy.

"How it go?" Bodhi asked as they headed for the school.

"We left the assets there, but I didn't want to come back." Lily whispered. Bodhi chuckled.

"I'm sure Garrick would have kept you if he could of." Bodhi said as they came into the courtyard.

"I'm sure. Though we were talking. With what they do with first years with those classes. I won't be able to help if they do it on his weekends here." Lily said.

"We'll figure it out." Bodhi said. They rounded the corner and came to a stop. Athena was standing, kissing someone in the hall. Lily's eyes widen when she realized the someone was Aaric as the two pulled apart.

"Lily. Your back." Athena said, checks flushed. Aaric wouldn't look at Lily.

"Yeah. Your brother says hi and he'll see you next weekend." Lily said, biting the insides of her checks.

"Let's go meet with Sloane." Aaric said and him and Athena disappear.

"Garrick is gonna have a field day with that." Bodhi said.

"Least it was us catching them and not Garrick." Lily said.

'Get to the river. Now!' Lyssa said and Lily and Bodhi froze. Cuir must of been talking to Bodhi. 'Your sister is going to need help. Tairn's heading there now.' Lily took off running and she heard Bodhi running after her. Imogen soon joined them.

"What's going on? Why is Tairn taking Violet to the river?" Imogen said.

"I think I know why. Let's get there." Lily said, running fast down the hill. She saw Tairn standing in the water and Violet's head popping out of the water. "Violet!"

'Father said you can approach to get your sister.' Lyssa said. Lily ran into the water. Tairn brings her closer and Lily grabbed her sister and pulled her to the shore. Violet collapses to the ground.

"Violet!" Imogen falls down on the other side of Violet with a blanket. "What the hell happened to you?"

"Too. Many. Strikes." Violet stuttered as Imogen wraps her in a blanket.

'Varrish forced her to do lightning strikes and nearly burned out.' Lyssa growled.

"Oh shit." Bodhi settles next to Lily, reaching for Violet's shoulder, then retreating.

"You are red." Lily said with worry in her voice.

"Glane says it's burnout. Tairn called for her." Imogen said.

"What do we do, Violet? You're the only lightning wielder we know." Lily said.

"I. Just need." Violet twists to the side, her legs curling under her. "A minute."

"Cuir says she needs food now that she's cooled down." Bodhi said.

"A green would know." Lily said

"How did this happen? Carr?" Imogen asked. Violet nods.

"And Varrish." Violet said. Bodhi and Lily share looks.

"This is because of Andarna." Bodhi said.

"Yes." Lily and Violet said.

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