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Chapter 23


Flying short distance was easy, but a six hour flight was hard. Lily's back was hurting. Lily was already missing Garrick. She was going to be seperated him for a week. Lyssa wasn't to thrilled on the idea of being seperated from her mate, but she was happy for her rider and friends to get to do this.

"I'm pretty sure I'm dying." Nadine said, bending over, bracing her hands on her knees.

"I feel that." Violet said. Lily was stretching her back as they walk. Dain didn't seem affected as him and Professor Devera greet a tall man in rider black, who Lily assumed was the Outpost COmmander.

"Welcome, Cadets." The Commander said as the cadets surround him. "I'm sure you'd all like to get settled and into something a little more appropriate to the climate. Then we'll show you around Montserrat." Rhiannon inhales sharply, her gaze sweeping over the mountains.

"You alright?" Violet and Lily ask.

"Later." Rhiannon said with a nod. They were shown to the double occupancy barracks. They're sparse, only funished with two beds, two wardrobes, and a single desk under a wide window. Lily was with Nadine and Violet with Rhiannon. Soon they were stepping out and Rhiannon and Violet informed Lily about Rhiannon's village wasn't to far from here and there might be a chance the girls were gonna go visit. Lily was asked to come and she agreed. Soon they were given a tour of the outpost.

The fortress is bassically four massive walls, filled with barracks and various chmaber with turrets on each corner and a large, arched entrance that boats a spiked portcullis that looks ready to drop at any second. There was a stable witha blacksmith and amroy for the company of infantry stationed here, and on the other side is the dining hall.

"As you can see." Major Quade said as they stood in the courtyard. "We're built for siege. In the event of attack, we can feed and house everyone within for an adequate amount of time."

Adequate? Ridoc mouths. Lily snorts as Violet presses her lips together to keep from laughing. Dain gives him a look.

"As one of the eastern outposts, we have a full twelve riders stationed here. Three are out on patrol now, three wait, standing by in case they're needed, and other six are in various stages of rest." Quade said.

"What is that look for?" Dain whispers.

"What look?" Violet asked. A distant roar of a dragon echoes off the stone walls.

"That should be one of our patrols returning now." Quade said, smiling.

"The one where someone just sucked the joy out of your world." Dain said. Lily rolled her eyes as Lily blocked out their talk.

"So we'll get you riders fed and put to bed, and then we'll work on who you'll be ahadowing while you're here." Quade continues.

"Will we get to participate in any active scenarios?" Heaton asked.

"Absolutely not!" Devera snaps.

"If you see combat, then I've failed as this being the safest place on the border to send you. But you get bonus points for enthusiasm. Let me guess, Third-Year?" Quade asked. Heaton nods. Quade turns slightly and smiles as three riders walk under the Portcullis. "There they are now. Why don't you three come and meet..."

"Violet? Lily?" The twins heads snap towards the gate. Lily smiled as the girls head towards the gate. One breaks from the group and runs to the twins, pulling them into a hug.

"Mira." Lily and Violet said, hugging their older sister. Mira pulls back and looks over the twins.

"You're alright. You're all right, aren't you? Both of you?" Mira asked. The twins nod. "Yeah. You're both alright. You're alright." Mira pulls the twins back into a hug.

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