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Chapter 33

Lily sat in Garrick's room in his tub. The water washed the blood and dirt off her. Lily laid in the water, staring up at the ceiling. Brennan said he would talk to her after he saved Violet. Garrick had taken her to his room and went to look over a few things while Xaden stayed with Violet. Lily sat up in the bath and brought her legs to her chest as everything hit her in full force. Liam's death, Violet getting poisoned, and finding out Brennan was alive. Lily grabbed her head as tears fell down her checks.

'He's been alive this whole time. Gods.' Lily thought. The door opens and Garrick steps in.

"You knew." Lily said, looking at him. Garrick didn't need to know what she was talking about.

"I did. I would of told you, but Xaden told me not to or I would have told you." Garrick said, knealing next to the tub. He ran his hands through her hair. Lily couldn't be mad at him. She just wished she was told and didn't find out this way. "Lily Cat?"

"It's a nickname he gave me as a kid." Lily whispered. Garrick chuckled. Garrick grabbed her head gently and pulled it over and pressed a kiss to the side of her head.

"You did well, Princess. You scared the living daylights out of me when you jumped off Lyssa." Garrick said.

"I wasn't gonna have that thing kill my sister." Lily said.

"Let's get you out of the tub." Garrick said, standing and grabbing a towel. Lily pulled the plug and stood up, taking the towel. She wrapped it around herself. Garrick left the bathroom as she got dressed. She pulled on her clean shirt and pants. Garrick stood by the big windows, looking out. It was nighttime and the stars shown bright. Lily came up to him and wrapped her arms around him from behind. Garrick relaxed at her touch.

"You guys rebuilt this. I'm amazed you kept it hidden." Lily whispered.

"Xaden makes sure of it. Now you know our other secret." Garrick said.

"It will be kept well protected." Lily said, kissing his shoulder.

A knock on the door comes and Lily and Garrick turn to see Brennan come in. Lily moved away from Garrick. Lily walks towards her brother. Brennan look a bit terrified. Lily comes up to him and glares at him.

"You have not changed a bit, Lily." Brennon said with an innocent smile. Lily punches him in the face. "I deserved that." Lily punched him in the stomach. "And that." Lily goes to punch him in the balls and Brennan moved. "No. Not there." Lily started punching him in the chest.

"You been alive! This whole time! I fucking hate you." Lily said, tears in her eyes. Brennan pulled her into a hug. "Tzipporah and I both grieved. How could you do this to us."

"Lily. I wasn't trying." Brennan said.

"Trying, my ass. Father's heart started hurting after you supposebly died. Tzipporah wouldn't talk for week and I couldn't get out bed for a week. She's gonna kill you herself when she finds out." Lily growled. Tzipporah and Brennan had childhood crushes on each other and Lily could of sworn the two might have gotten together if Brennan wasn't killed. Brennnan looked heart broken at the mention of Tzipporah. "Did you know what was happening with me and Violet?"

"I got word that Violet was joining you in the Rider Quadrant. I know you both got dragons and your dating Garrick." Brennon said, slightly glaring at Garrick.

"Hey. You approved of me." Garrick grumbled.

"I do. But I will fuck you up if you hurt her. Your lucky your dragons are mates." Brennan said. Garrick threw his hands up in surrendor. Brennan looked at Lily. "And I know you been helping transport weapons with your signet. I couldn't have been prouder. You were never one to follow rules especially when Mom made them." Lily smiled weakly and Garrick chuckled. Brennon pulls Lily into a hug. "Can I explain more when Violet wakes up so that I don't have to explain it twice."

"Is she?" Lily asked.

"I was able to save her. She's still out cold. We won't know the effects the poison will have on her as the time goes" Brennan said. Lily sighed in relief. "I missed you, Lily Cat."

"I missed you too." Lily whispered. Brennan pressed a kiss to her forehead and left. Garrick came over and pulled Lily into a hug. Lily wrapped her arms around Garrick and burried her face in his chest.

"She'll live." Lily whispered.

"Let's get you to bed and get sleep. Its been a long day." Garrick said, picking her up. Garrick carried her over to his bed and laid her down. Lily took one lok at him and sat up as he got on the bed. "What?" Lily reached for his face. A scar ran from down his right eye. It goes from his temple to jaw. Lily had to admit it still made him look handsome. "Just a battle scar from the fight. I'll be fine." Lily sighed.

"Least you didn't loose an eye. I'm surprised I didn't notice it." Lily whispered as she crawled under the covers.

"You were worried about your sister. Least we kow we won't loose her or our Wingleader." Garrick said, gett in behind her and wrapping himself around her body. Lily moves closer to him as he burries his face in her shoulder. "Your still getting your butt kicked for jumping off Lyssa like that. You nearly gave me a heart attack." Garrick mumbles in her shoulder.

"If I didn't, the venin would of killed her. You can kick my butt in sparring tomorrow." Lily whispered. Garrick kissed her check.

"You fought good, Princess. Now its a waiting game for your sister to wake. I'll show you around tomorrow." Garrick said. Lily turned in his arms and wrapped her arms around him, burrying her face in his chest. Garrick hugged her close, not wanting to let her go. Lily sighed into his chest.

"I can't believe Liam is dead." Lily whispered.

"I know. Xaden is taking it hard." Garrick said. Lily felt exhausten finally creeping up on her. "We'll talk tomorrow. Sleep." Lily let the darkness take her.

Lily was running. Running as the ground started dying around her. Lily looked back, fear racing through her blood. It was getting closer to her. Lily turned and gasped as a hand grabbed her by the neck and lifted her in the air. The Sage Venin stood in front of her. Its red eyes bore into her.

"Your not the one I seak." Its voice hisses. Lily's eyes widen. "Your not the one that commands the sky."

'Vioelt.' Lily thought. It ran its finger down her check. Lily shivered.

"You look like her, but your hair is all silver. Not hers." The Sage said. His hand tightened on her neck. Lily gasped. "So pretty. But your useless to me." The Sage tosses her into hte dying land.

Lily shot up in bed. She ran her hands over her body as she gasped for air. She was in bed and Garrick was next to her. It was a dream, but it felt real.

A hand comes on her shoulder and Lily nearly jumped out of her skin.

"It's me." Garrick whispered. Lily relaxed at his touch. "What's wrong?" Garrick pulled her to him. Lily didn't want to tell him. It make him worry more.

"Just a nightmare." Lily said. Garrick pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I think the events of yesterday are catching up to me." Garrick pulled her down so she was laying on his chest.

"We got time to sleep, Princess. Get some sleep." Garrick said. Lily let the beat of his heart lull her back to sleep.

AN: Heh. Heh. Poor Brennan. Till next time.

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