The Truth

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Chapter 15

The Truth

Lily felt exhausted standing in formation during the death roll. Garrick and her worked till sunrise on her shields and Lily was able to put them up as Lyssa and Chradl were in the middle of talking. Garrick couldn't even get through. Her face was swelled and Lily had a migraine. Violet's neck was bruised bad. They told their friends what happened. Rhiannon was pissed as the six names were read. Lily was swaying a bit and Sawyer grabbed her arm gently. Garrick was standing with his squad and Lily could see him glancing towards her.

"I can't believe they tried to kill you while you were sleeping and Lily for trying to save you." Rhiannon seethed.

"Even worse, I think I'm getting used to it." Violet grumbled.

"Lily's face looks a mess. I'm glad you weren't killed." Ridoc said. Lily shot him a glare. Someone was heading their way and Lily saw it was Xaden. Violet was watching his every move.

"There's a change to your squad roll." Xaden said, coming to stand in front of Dain as he glances at Violet and Lily.

"Wingleader?" Dain asked. He didn't look happy. "We just absorbed four from the dissolution of the third squad."

"Yes." Xaden said. He looked at Second Squad, Tail section. "Belden, we're making a roll change."

"Yes, sir." The Squad Leader said.

"Aetos, Vaughn Penley will be leaving your command, and you'll be gaining Liam Mairi from Tail section." Xaden said. Lily and Violet share looks as Dain shuts up and nods. The two first-years quickly enchange places. Liam nods to Xaden. Lily and Violet realize what was going on.

'You knew.' Lily growled through the bond.

'Maybe.' Garrick said.

'I don't need a fucking bodyguard.' Lily growled at him. Garrick flinched where he stood.

"I do not need a bodyguard." Violet snapped at Xaden.

"Neither do I." Lily hissed. Xaden ignores the sisters.

"Liam is statistically the strongest first-year in the Quadrant. He has the fastest time up the Gauntlet, hasn't lost a single challenge, and is bonded to an exceptionally strong Red Daggertail. Any squad would be lucky to have him, and he's all yours, Aetos. You can thank me when you win the Squad Battle in the spring." Xaden said.

"We. Do. Not. Need. A. Bodyguard." Lily and Violet said together. Someone gasps behind them.

'Don't expect to get laid anytime soon.' Lily hissed at Garrick. Chradl chuffs in both their heads.

'You really are pushing buttons.' Chradl thought to Garrick.

"Good luck with that approach." Imogen snorts. Xaden walks past Dain and stands in front of the twins. Both were glaring at him. Lily had the look he saw her mother had.

"You both do, though, as we all learned last night. And I can't be everywhere you are. And Garrick can't keep an eye on both of you all the time. But Liam here." Xaden said. He points at Liam. "He's a first-year, so he can be in every class, at every challenge, and I even had him assigned to library duty, so I hope you both get use to him, Sorrengails.

"You're overstepping." Violet said.

"You haven't begun to see overstepping. Any threat against you or your twin is a threat against me and Travis, and as we've already established. I have more important things to do than sleep on your floor. And I don't think Travis wants to sleep in your room.

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