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Chapter 40


Lily was all smiles as they head for the stairs to the Flight Field. Seeing Garrick finally made her happy the last couple days.

"Wait for me!" Rhiannon called as they waited for their turn to climb up.

"We're still here." Violet waved.

"This isn't right." Sawyer said, refolding their homework map for RSC. "I can't get number four no matter how many times I count the little elevation lines."

"That's north." Lily said, tapping the bottom of the folded monstrosity. "You're looking at the wrong sector for question four. Trust me. I had to ask Ridoc for help last night."

"Ugh. This is some infantry bullshit." Sawyer said, shoving the map into his pocket.

"Why don't you just accept that I am a land navigation God and ask for help like everyone else?" Ridoc said. Rhiannon finally joined them. "Finally! You'd think leadership would be on time."

"Leadership was in a meeting." Rhiannon said. She holds up a collection of missives. "And leadership was given the mail!" She starts to hand them out. "Ridoc. Sawyer. Me. Lily. And Violet." Lily grabbed the missive. It was the same as Violet: From Mira.

Lily, Sorry it took me so long to write. I only just realized the date. You're a second-year!

Lily put the letter in her pocket. She tuned out the talks as they climbed the steps. They reach the top, walking into the box canyon of the flight field. The dragons are organized in the same formation everyone stands in the courtyard. Lily and Sawyere were talking of homework and Lily didn't hear Violet talking to Rhiannon. Tairn was the largest dragon on the field. Lyssa was next to him as usual.

"Hey, has Tairn said anything about another black dragon in the Vale?" Ridoc asked. Lily and Violet share looks.

"I'm sorry?" Violet asked.

"I know, it souds ludicrous, but when we walked by Kaori back there, I swear I heard him say somethign about another black dragon being spotted. The guy practically jumping with excitement.

'Lyssa?' Lily asked.

'Only a few dragons saw her before she entered the caves for the Dreamless Sleep. You try keeping her hidden and see how it goes for you.' Lyssa grumbled.

"Maybe it's Tairn they're seeing. Or an elder?" Lily said.

"Kaori thinks it's a new one. You should ask him." Ridoc said. Lily and Violet share looks that Ridoc doesn't notice. Lily comes up to Lyssa.

'On your left.' Lyssa warns. Violet and Lily turn to see Varrish sauntering towards them with with arms locked behind his back.

"Ah, Sorrengail, there you are." Varrish said.

"Major Varrish." Lily and Violet said together. Lily kept a hand near her dagger. Lily wondered what his sigent was.

Quite the necklace you both have there." Varrish said, pointing to the greenish bruises on the twins throats.

"Thank you. It was expensive. Cost someone their life." Lily said. Varrish look at Lily and she lifted her chin.

"Ah, that's right. I recall hearing you both were nearly done in by two first-years. Good to see that the embarrassment didn't finish the jobs they started. But I guess you probably used to barely squeaking by alive seeing how frail you're rumored to be compared to your twin." Varrish said. Lily's hands clenched into fists. Lily loathed this man.

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