Night Flying

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Chapter 17
Night Flight

Lily slipped out of her room with her black cloak on. Lily's hair was done up in a crown braid on top of her hair for the flight. She put her hood up as she closed the door behind her. Lily ran down the hall. Bohdi was waiting for her at the stairs.

"You ready?" Bohdi asked. Lily nodded. He had a pack on and it looked heavy. "We need this one invisible." Lily touched it and it disappeared. "Wicked. I see why Xaden wanted your help." Bohdi and Lily hurried down the steps. "If we're stopped, your helping me out with weapons."

"Alright." Lily said. Bohdi took her to a tunnel. "What's this?"

"Its a short cut to the Flight Field. Garrick and Xaden are already there getting the packs on our dragons." Bohdi said. Lily followed him and soon they were on the field. Xaden and Garrick were finishing up as Sgeayl, Lyssa, Chradl, and Bodhi's dragon waited for them. Garrick turned when they arrived. Lily pulled her hood down.

"No issues?" Xaden asked.

"None." Lily said.

"When we get back, you'll be coming to my room." Garrick said. Lily nodded. Lily let the invisibity fall from the pack that Bohdi held.

"Keep an eye on her. We don't know if who your meeting will be nice to her with who her mother is." Xaden warned Garrick.

"I'll keep an eye on her." Garrick said.

"And I'll stay by Lyssa less I'm told otherwise." Lily promised. Xaden nodded as Bohdi put the pack on Lyssa's back. Lily walked over to Lyssa and rubbed her head. Garrick and Xaden were talking.

'Ready to go flying?' Lily asked.

'Always, Little One.' Lyssa said. Lily touched the daggers that Garrick gave her. Two were by her ribs and one was in her other boot. Garrick came up to her. Lily turned to him with a smile.

"You ready, Princess." Garrick said. Lily nodded, happy that there was no classes tomorrow. Lily walked to Lyssa and climbed up her leg and sat in her seat. Garrick got on Chradl.

"Garrick. Report to me tomorrow afternoon. Let me know if there is any troubles with Sorrengail." Xaden said as he got on Sgaeyl. Garrick nodded as Lily pulled down her flight goggles as Chradl took off. Lyssa stood straight and launched into the air after her mate. Lyssa flew up to Chradl's side. The night was clear and the stars shown bright.

Sometime later. Chradl landed outside a village. Lyssa followed shortly after and landed next to him. Garrick got off his dragon. Lily tured in her seat as Garrick pulled the bags off Chradl. Lily dropped the bags that were strapped onto Lyssa. Garrick moved the packs as Lily got down and grabbed the bags and brought them to where Garrick had the other ones set. Garrick walked up to her. Her hair almost glowed in the full moon light. Lily turned and Garrick took her face in his hands. Lily took his hands in hers.

"Stay close to Lyssa and Chradl." Garrick said. Lily looked into the hazel eyes.

"I will. They are staying with us till they leave?" Lily asked. Garrick nodded.

"Mainly for you, but yes. They should be here shortly." Garrick said.

"We're actually here now." A female voice said. Lily turned as Garrick straighten. Six figures step out of the shadows. There were two women and the others were men. The two woman step forward. Garrick turned to face them, keeping Lily next to him.

"Luella. Maren." Garrick said. The girls stop in front of them.

"So this the girl that Riorson mentioned that be helping. The Sorrengail girl?" The girl asked.

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