Everyone Is Always Connected

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"Wait!" I turn to Bill, "You didn't tell me HE was in your band!"

Bill looks at me confused, "What, Georg?"

Georg chuckles, "Me and Maeve met this morning at a bus stop but she was in too much of a hurry to get to the singers thing!" Georg looks at us confused, "Speaking of that, Bill, you're not supposed to be back until tonight."

"Okay first of all, this is my house and i'm aloud to come back whenever i want. Second of all, what are you doing in my house?" Bill says.

"Tom invited us over for band practice." Out comes a voice from behind Georg.
I look at Georg then Bill, "Who was that?"

Out steps from behind Georg, a shorter blonde boy with a warming presence and face. He smiles at me, "I'm Gustav! And you are?"

I smile back, "Maeve, nice to meet you." I hold out my hand.

Gustav shakes my hand gently, "I love that name."

"Everyone always says that", I chuckle, "And as nice as this is meeting everyone, i'm cold! Can we please come in?"

I chuckle awkwardly as i snuggle up to Bill's arm to keep myself warm.

As i do, i feel Bill's body tense up.

I see Georg laugh slightly, "Yo Bill, everything okay?"

"JUST LET US INTO THE HOUSE!" Bill says quickly before gently shoving me off his arm and barging past Georg, rushing in the house.

I scoff and cross my arms, i turn to Georg, "Wanna bet he got a boner?"

"10 euros bets he hasn't." Georg raises his eyebrow slightly.

I smirk, "20 euros bets he has."

"You've got yourself a deal." Georg moves out the way, "Come on, in you go."

I walk in and immediately greeted with someone i've never met yet he looks familiar.

He wears baggyish clothes and wears a cap where his dreads hang out the back, he also holds a bag of popcorn in his hands.

He stops and looks at me, "um, hi."

"Hi!" I step towards him and hold my hand out, "Maeve, and you are?"

He looks at me confused before reluctantly shaking my hand in his, "Tom, uh why are you here?"

"I, uh", I slightly chuckle, "I honestly just followed Bill's lead, i don't know why i'm here."

"Well, uh, popcorn?" Tom holds the bag out in front of me.

I smile, "What flavour?"

"Sweet and salty, come on! There's no other better flavour." Tom chuckles.

"I immediately like you already." I giggle back before putting my hand in the bag and grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Tom looks at Georg, "So i'm guessing Bill has gone to the studio, we were heading there anyway."

"Wait", I stop him, "You have a studio in your house?"

"Yes but we're only aloud in it when mine and Bill's mother is away." Tom looks at his watch, "Shit, we better get some practice in! She'll be home in an hour."

"I need to see this studio!" I exclaim as i eat some popcorn from my hand.

Tom smiles at me, "This way!"

I follow behind Tom as we walk through the house, we walk through the kitchen and to the side was a door.

It was obviously a basement before it got turned into a studio.

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