Something Isnt Right

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this chapter just shows how bitchy Maeve is, lmao.

I sit at the table booth and look out the window as Georg and Tom sit opposite to me, they're playing cards and i'm pretty sure Tom is losing.

I watch the cars outside that pass the buss making the cars look tiny, i watch as couples hold hands as they walk, i watch mothers trying to control their kids but just can't seem too.

I love people watching, not in a weird way.

I'm soon taken out of my trance by someone placing something in front of me and sitting down next to me.

I turn and see Gustav with a smile, "There's your promised hot chocolate, and luckily there was enough for me to have one."

I smile as i grab the mug in my hand, "thank you."
Gustav takes a sip of his drink, "Anytime."

"Burn!" Georg suddenly shouts, "And i win!"

"How do you always win?!" Tom says in disbelief.
I chuckle as i take a sip of my drink, "What are you even playing?" I say.

"3 up, 3 down." Tom says, "I never win, it's alway Georg or Bill that wins!"

"Speaking of Bill, where is he?" Georg says as he collects up the cards and starts dealing them out to Tom and Gustav.

"Oh, i forgot to tell you? He went upstairs to his bunk to read a book." I hum quietly, "He didn't seem right though." I take a sip of my drink as i overthink Bill's words.

"That's never good, Bill reading?!" Tom giggles, "Thought i'd never see the day."

"Says the boy who rarely went to school." Georg chuckles to himself, "But Tom is right, he's reading and he only does that when somethings wrong."

"But up until now, i've known what's wrong!" I place my drink down on the table and explain, "I have no idea what he's pissed off about now."

"Go check up on him, you are his girlfriend after all." Tom says as he picks up his cards.

"Wait, no", I chuckle nervously, "We're not together."

"It seemed that way last night, though." Tom says
in a disgusted tone.

I tut, "Would you shut up about last night?"

"I'm just saying what we were all thinking." Tom giggles, "You were both pretty impossible to block out, my god you were loud!"

"Right!" I stand up, "I'm leaving and checking on my 'boyfriend', okay?!" I say with air quotes as i step over Gustav's legs, as he was sat next to me.

"No domestics, please." Georg laughs as i walk off.

I roll my eyes as i walk to the stairs and quietly walk up them, i remembered that Bill was in the bunk below mine in the far back. I walk to the back of the bunks and see Bill lying in his reading a book, as he said.

Seen as his bunk was near to the floor, i crouch down next to his bunk and sigh, "what's up?"

Bill looks away from his book and into my eyes, he gently sighs before placing a bookmark in his book and placing the book down.

He sits up slightly, leaning on his arm and looks at me, "I overheard you talking to your sister's boyfriend earlier." 

"Oh Bill" I sigh, "I didn't mean it."

"No it's fine", He looks down, "I know i'm not someone worth waiting for." I see a small tear drop from Bill's eye as he speaks.

I place my hand on the side of his face and lift his face up to look at me, i softly smile, "If i have to wait as little as a minute or as long as a lifetime for you, i happily will." I say, "You appeared in my life when i needed someone and i'm not prepared to let you go, when i said what i said earlier, i meant i wasnt sure about a proper relationship but now i know." I chuckle softly, "I'm prepared to wait for you, Bill! Even if i have to swim a 1000 oceans to get to you, i will."

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