Four Years Pass By With Time

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August 29th 2009

Four years since i moved from the small town, and two years since i moved to LA.

When we first moved away from the small town, Julie and Phil adopted me as their own as we all knew we were perfect together, they are the parents i never had and i will forever be grateful for that.

After moving away from the small town with Julie and Phil, when i turned 18 i told them i wanted to go live out in LA so i could go work for a modelling agency to make the clothes for all the models.

One year in, and models beg to wear my clothes.
I moved into a small house in suburbia, and that's where i met my now boyfriend, Christian.

He's tall, wears glasses, has brown hair and the most beautiful eyes.

He's 22, i'm 20 so it's not too much of an age gap.

He hasn't moved in yet, but we're planning on it.

I didn't want to be lonely when i first moved here, so i brought a golden retriever and a ginger cat.
My golden retriever, Paddy, is the most beautiful, most adorable dog ever! He loves the attention.
Where's my ginger cat, Mia hates attention! She loves just being by herself.

Going back to my house, it's a small 2 bedroom 1 bathroom house with no upstairs, it's all an open space so there's no wall between the kitchen and the front, there's a small garden out at the back with a pool that Paddy loves swimming in.

But even after moving on from my teenage life, i think about Bill quite a lot.

I doubt he remembers me, he's world famous now! I'm happy for him, even though sometime i wish i had never left.

But oh well, im happy with Christian and our pets.

At least i think i am.


17:34 pm

The sun starts to set as i prepare dinner, i watch as Paddy splashes around in the pool as Mia watches him, i chuckle to myself as i cut up the vegetables for dinner.

I hear the door open, "Honey, i'm home!"

"Hey, my love!" I say as Christian walks in, "How was work?"

Christian works as a waitress in a restaurant in town, he absolutely hates the job because of the manager but doesn't everyone hate their manager??

He walks up to me and kisses the side of my face, "Shit, as per usual." He smells the food, "Oo, what are you making?"

"Ah, Julie's special spaghetti." I smile, "She told me how to make it when we moved."

"Oh my god, i love her spaghetti!" Christian groans in pleasure, "When are they coming to visit again?"

"Tomorrow, i'm so excited to see them! I have seen them since they first met you." I hum in excitement.

"Aw, i know." He says as he walks to the fridge, "I'm going outside with Pads, you gonna join?"

"Let me get dinner on, and i'll join you." I smile, "As long as beers are involved."

Christian holds up two beer bottles, "Already at it." He shuts the fridge door and walks to the patio door before walking out.

I place all the vegetables and the sauce in a pot before putting the lid on the pot, I place everything else in the sink and make my way outside.

I walk onto the patio and sit in the chair next to Christian, he hands me a beer and chuckles, "Do you think Pads has any brain cells?"

I take a sip of my beer, "Nope, there's absolutely nothing in there." I giggle as i watch Paddy splashes around the pool.

But my mind wonders off, i shouldn't be sat next to Christian, no.

I should be sat next to Bill, i should be with Bill.

I look down at my wrist and look at the faded scars from that whole week, it was good i left that place but i shouldn't have left Bill.

I take another sip of my beer, every time the bitterness of the beer hits my throat it's reminds me off when i was young and dumb, but most importantly i was young and dumb with Bill.

Sometimes, i wish i could go back to 2005 when everything was fine.

When i was young, dumb but most importantly, in love.


Later that night...

I walk into my small bedroom and see Paddy, Mia and Christian all in the bed as Christian scrolls through his laptop.

I shut the bedroom door behind me and walk up to my side of the bed, where Paddy is.

I get under my duvet as Paddy snuggles up to me.

I smile, "Hey, bud." I stroke his head gently before grabbing the tv remote and turning it on.
"Babe." Christian says.

I turn to him, "Yes, my love?"

"You never told me about your past life." Christian says as he continues to look at his laptop, "We've been together long enough for you to tell me, right?"

"What is there to know?" I chuckle, "I was a stupid teenager who was in love, head over heels, for a boy."

"And who was this boy?" Christian chuckles.

I sigh as i turn to the tv and watch as Bill and the others perform on live tv, i didn't intentionally put this channel on it as just the first one that came on.

He's been doing well, a new album, new style and still a lady magnet.

I sigh, "No one you know." I grab the nail file from my bedside table and start filing my nails, "But that doesn't matter because i'm happy with you." I smile.

Christian looks at me, "You're adorable." He giggles, "So, what are you doing tomorrow?"

"Well, Julie and Phil are flying in tomorrow so i've got to go pick them up, and then i have a client coming in for fitting so i have to go to work later that night."

"Boring! Why so late at night?" Christian says.

I shrug, "Because that's when the booked the slot." I say, "But it's a big day ahead of me so i best get some sleep." I place the nail file back on my bedside table and turn off my lamp.

"Night, baby." I hear Christian say as i cuddle into bed and next to Paddy.

My mind wonders off as i close my eyes to sleep.

Christian has been on that laptop non stop for the past few weeks, it can't be for work because he doesn't use laptops for work.

I'm sure it's nothing..

I'll ask him when it's more suitable in the day.

My mind slowly drifts off to sleep as i fall into a deeper sleep.

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