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17:45 pm

After spending loads of time with the boys and drinking a few beers, it's safe to say they're my new friends.

We stand around a standing table in the studio while Georg laughs as he tells a story, "And that's how Tom ended up so pissed out of his head, we found him sleeping in a tree the next day!"

I choke on my drink, "Ha! You're joking me?!"

I turn to Tom, he looks down in shame, "It's Gustav's fault for giving me all those shots! I blame Gustav."

"Well next time you end up in a tree", Gustav giggles, "I won't help you out."

I put my drink down and rest my head on Bill's shoulder as we laugh, "You've got to tell me how you got him out!"

I readjust my head by putting my chin on Bill's shoulder and listen in.

Gustav takes a drink of his beer before putting it down, "So it's 6:30 in the morning and Georg suggested to go get some medicine for our AMENCE hangover" Gustav giggles,

"So me and Georg went seen as Bill couldn't move off the sofa! Long story short, we were on the way and saw Tom, it took about a minute to process he was actually up there." Gustav grabs his drink,

"I climbed up the tree and had to carry him down in a bridal style!"

"HA, NO!" I laugh, "You're serious?!"

Tom speaks up, "Are we done here?" He says miserably, "And no, i don't remember anything from that night or morning so don't even ask."

I giggle, "I wasn't going to."

Tom rolls his eyes, "I've heard that before."

I look around the room for a clock, "17:57?! shit, i've got to get back home."

"You want me to walk you back?" Bill asks.

I scoff, "Duh! i don't know my way back." I go close to his ear, "I'm also a bit tipsy." I hiccup before giggling to myself.

Bill links his arm onto mine, "Come on then."

I stumble up the stairs and lean my body on Bill's, i hear him slightly giggle as i do.

We get to the top of the basement door and walk out, there stands Bill and Tom's mother.

"Hey, ihr Süßen!" She says as she cleans the counter.

("Hey sweeties!")

"Hallo!" I say unconsciously loud.

Bill shushes me, "Okay, you're being a bit loud."

Bill's mother crosses her arms, "Du hast sie betrunken gemacht?"

("You got her drunk?")

I hiccup, "I'm not drunk, just tipsy."

"Yeah", Bill pats my arm and hooked his arm around mine a bit tighter, "You keep telling yourself that."

She sighs, "Bill, bring sie sicher nach Hause."

("Bill, get her home safely.")

"Yes, ma." Bill says before walking us forward, "Come on, Maeve."

"Nice meeting you, Mrs Kaulitz." I slur out.

Bill giggles as he stops at the bottom of the stairs leading up, "Stay here, i'm getting you a jacket."

"okay!" I hiccup again.

Bill walks me up to the banister, "Hold onto this."
I smile joyfully, "hm, i'll try."

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