You've Been Unfriended

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MaddieBrooke Mackenzie McKinnaAlejandro Kendall Paige Nia

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Brooke Mackenzie McKinna
Alejandro Kendall Paige Nia

"Paige and Nia, you two are on the bottom for obvious reasons. Your duet was pulled and your mothers are nightmares. Kendall, you dragged your duet partner down in the dance. If McKinna had've been performing that routine as a solo, we would've knocked the judges' socks off. Instead, you finished with a measly second place. Second is the first to lose."

Welcome to the savage weekly pyramid at the Abby Lee Dance Company. Like watching kids be tormented, this show is perfect for you. So yeah, Miss Abby isn't happy with us this week, but then again, she dumped an enormous amount of routines on us so like, what can she expect, to be honest.

"Alejandro, you and Maddie won with your duet, there was onstage chemistry, but there wasn't enough trust. On both of the lifts you two hesistated dramatically. I don't know how the judges weren't harder."

"Then, filling out the middle row of the pyramid, I present last week's trio. That would've been a National winning routine, but I put it to this competition and I'm glad. If it wasn't for Maddie winning with her solo and being my number one girl at the moment, you three would've knocked the top row out."

We nod our heads, but internally we're all screaming our heads off because it is a lot harder to win with a trio than a solo, but we can't say anything because dance isn't a democracy. It's a, uh, autocracy! Or whatever it is when one person is in power over everything else. Probably a monarchy really. Queen Abby, with our moms as her ladies-in-waiting, Maddie as her princess and the rest of us as mere commoners, though I guess Kenz and I get a little bit more status 'cause we are the princess's sisters. Oh, and Jandro is Maddie's betrothed.

"We're travelling to Florida this weekend, with two solos and a group dance. This week, our group dance is a contemporary routine called 'Money Is The Root of All Evil'. Maddie and Brooke, you two are this week's soloists. Alejandro, you are excused this week because your father wasn't happy enough with the routines I gave you last week."

Antonio huffs and opens his mouth to speak but mom gives him a hard elbow in the side. Oh yeah, and by the way Chloe and Christi came back! 

The soloists start first today, group dance rehearsals are tomorrow. However, today is boiling hot, so I know that Miss Abby will have the sprinklers going out the back. Which is why I sent everybody a text this morning on our group chat to bring their bathers.

"I don't understand why I had to bring my bathers."

Nia asked, confused. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention why they needed to bring them.

"Because most of us only have the group dance this week and henceforth, since it is the hottest day of the year, we needed to bring our bathers to play in the sprinklers." I explain, making it sound like it was obvious. It probably wasn't but oh well.

Everyone, bar Brooke and Maddog 'cause they aren't here, nods in realization and then we all run out to the change rooms to try and get changed into bathers first.

Of course, I win because I already had a plan and I had about an extra five minutes of spinkler time because of it. So, I do my old solo 'One Bad Apple' while getting absolutely soaked. It's actually pretty fun!

One problem though is we can all tell there is a bit of tension between us and Chloe. She keeps leaving and coming back and we can't tell if she is actually committed to the team anymore. If she isn't, we're all gonna go into a state of depression.

We stay like that till the moms find us and then hurry us inside because we kinda forgot Miss Abby's number 24 rule is to not play with the sprinklers. So hopefully, Mads was creating such a large masterpiece in Studio A se didn't notice.


-Two Days to Competition-

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