Chapter 2

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The actors took the little girl into the cave and lit a fire to keep warm.

The girl was still silently crying, but Dudley didn't give up on comforting her.

"It'll be alright, dear one. While we wait for the storm to pass, let's clean those cuts, eh? Then they won't hurt" he whispered.

He took out his handkerchief and dabbed it on her scars. 

"Does that feel good?" Dudley asked.

The girl nodded ever so slightly.

Dudley smiled and dried her eyes. "What's your name?"

"Amy" the girl whispered.

Newton bowed his head playfully. "Mademoiselle."

"Why are you alone out here, sweetling?" said Dudley.

Amy didn't answer. She just let her tears fall.

"Doesn't feel like answering, eh?" said Newton.

"Newton, let her be; she's been through so much" said Dudley. 

"But we know nothing of her, Dudley. And she knows nothing of us; no wonder she's so frightened" said Newton.

Dudley lifted his arm away from Amy to put his hanky back in his pocket. And when he did, she grabbed his hand.

"There. See? She needs someone to hold onto" said Dudley to Newton. 

Newton took a good long look at the scared little girl and relaxed when he saw how she clung to Dudley like he was her dad. 

Newton watched the sad view and shook his head in sympathy. 

"Dash it all, I must be crazy" he mumbled.

He knelt down in front of Amy, smiled at her, and held her hands over the fire. 

Amy actually smiled softly as she was able to warm her hands at the least. 

It was getting late and the two actors knew they needed to settle down for the night, but the little girl was still trembling.

Dudley wrapped her in a spare blanket and seated her on his lap.

"There. Just as beautiful as a rosebud" he whispered tapping Amy's nose.

"You're nice, Dudley" said Amy snuggling close to him. 

Dudley had never felt warmer. "And you, my child, are such a brave little soul."

"I am?" 

"You are."

"And we've met many brave souls" Newton agreed.

Amy looked at Newton. "Good night."

Newton stroked the girl's cheek and said "good night" back.

Dudley continued to cuddle the lost child, so she would sleep soundly. 

"Good night, my little thistle" he whispered to her. 

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