Chapter 24

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As Henri made his way down the hall, he saw how happy Angelique was with Dudley.

Then he thought something he hadn't before.

If Angelique went with Dudley, he'd probably lose his best friend.

"If I let her go... I may lose the laughs we had together" he said to himself. "But I must. It's the best thing for her. I may see her in the future."

Henri envisioned a future moment of himself and Angelique reuniting as he sang quietly to himself.

Another time, another place

When I see your face across a crowded room

I'll make my way to your side

And I'll say something foolish like 'where have you been all my life'

And then you'll laugh, but you'll know

That I meant every word from the bottom of my heart

And we'll go for a walk

And we'll talk about the things that mattered to each other

Oh, time, stand still

I know that it never will

I wish this moment could last forever

I know it can't be, but I see you and me

Another time 

The vision ended with an older Angelique sharing a laugh with an older Henri, then parting ways with him after a friendly embrace. 

Back in reality, the real Henri finished his song in person.

Oh, time, stand still

I know that it never will

I wish this moment could last forever

I know it can't be, but I see you with me

Another time 

Then he plucked up the courage to approach his friend with Dudley. 

"Am I interrupting, Angelique?" said Henri politely.

"Henri. No, you are not" said Angelique. 

Dudley looked at the boy. "Are you the burgermeister's son?"

"Oui. And Camille mentioned your name. What was it?" said Henri.

"It's Dudley Leicester. Pleasure."

"A genuine pleasure, Monsieur" said Henri shaking Dudley's hand. "I have come to inform you that Angelique's mother is becoming suspicious of her whereabouts."

"Oh mon dieu" Angelique whispered.

"What do we do?" said Dudley holding her hands. 

"We do what we must. I must go back to my mamon" said Angelique.

"I can't let you. If you go back, you'll be utterly desolate" said Dudley.

"But if I go back, you will not be exposed to her anger" said Angelique. "Monsieur Leicester... before I go... I must know what you felt for me."

Dudley nodded. "Monsieur Babineaux, would you excuse us for a moment?"

"Yes of course" said Henri before leaving. 

Dudley faced Angelique. "Angelique... when I first saw you, I thought you were... the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. When I danced with you, I thought I was in heaven. And since then... I've cherished every moment with you."

Angelique's eyes welled up with tears. "I never wanted to say this because of my impending wedding. But I felt the same when I heard you speak the first time. And the more I got to know you, the further I fell."

"Oh, Angelique..." Dudley whispered.

"But I must leave you. Before Mamon finds you. I am so sorry, my dear" said Angelique. 

Dudley let his tears roll down his face and let Angelique take off his glasses to dry them. 

"I understand. If this is the only way to calm your mother... it must happen" he cried. 

"Oh, mon cher..." Angelique whispered.

She caressed Dudley's cheek and he held her hand. 

"Oh, my poor heart..." Dudley sighed. "Could I at least go with you to your sister?"

"Of course. I will spend as much time with you as I can" said Angelique. 

As Dudley stood up, he suddenly put his hand on his stomach and winced.

"Dudley? Are you alright? Dudley?" said Angelique.

"Who can say? I'm always perfect when I'm with you" said Dudley poetically. 

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