Chapter 16

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"Are you sure?" said Camille.

"Certain. Would you like to come along? I dare say, you might as well have a break from your mother's incessant shouting" said Newton.

"Well... I could use a break from having a headache. They have become constant since Mamon and the burgermeister have been screaming so much" said Camille.

"There you are. Come along and we'll see about helping you and Mr Penmbroke" said Newton. 

Meantime, Dudley and Amy were still sitting with the three ladies. 

"I'm sorry, Mr Leicester. But Angelique must marry Henri" said Lady Beatrice.

"It's the best thing for her mother" said Lady Henrietta.

"But why?" said Dudley.

"We told you. The families are feuding and the marriage is to avenge their friendships" said Lady Ginevra.

"That's not what I was taught" said Dudley.

"Pardon?" said Lady Henrietta.

"I was taught that if one's feuding with another, it's good advice to explain yourself and find a solution. I was never told marriage was required" Dudley explained.

"Yes... but Madame Rodriguez insists the marriage go on" said Lady Ginevra.

"But do Angelique and Henri love each other?" said Amy. 

"They've been friends since childhood, dearie. But they were never romantically attached" said Lady Beatrice.

"But if that's how they feel for each other, why must their parents force this on them?" said Dudley.

"It is what it is, sir. The madame says the wedding will happen if it's the last thing she sees" said Lady Beatrice. 

"So we must do as she says" said Lady Ginevra. 

Dudley let his shoulders sag and leaned back in his chair.

Amy took his hand. "Dudley? Why are you sad?"

Dudley smiled. "Amy, dear, I thought I'd found the love of my life. Newton and I have both been alone for too long."

"But you're not alone. You have me" said Amy.

"A different kind of alone, darling. You'll understand more when you get a bit older" said Dudley.

He kissed her head to seal the conversation. 

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