Chapter 12

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"I dare say, monsieur. You are an attractive dancer" said Angelique calmly. 

"Thank you" said Dudley. 

"What is your name?" Angelique inquired.

"It's Dudley Leicester. And yours?"

"Angelique Rodriguez."

"What a lovely name" Dudley complimented.

"Oui, I have always fancied it" said Angelique.

Then she turned to leave. "Now I must go back to my compartment before my mamon finds me here."

"But will I see you again?" said Dudley. 

Angelique faced him and her prim exterior softened. "Perhaps tomorrow evening."

"I shall take it" said Dudley.

Angelique bowed her head respectfully. "Bon nuit." 

Then she marched away with her chin held high. 

Dudley looked on at her, then slowly walked back to his compartment where Newton was waiting.

"Dudley, where have you been? It's nearly midnight" said Newton.

"Yes. I apologize" said Dudley.

"Well, where were you?" said Newton.

"In the tea area. Where's Amy?" said Dudley.

"She's sleeping. As we should be" said Newton.

"I couldn't agree more. I must look my best for her" said Dudley.

Newton furrowed his brows. "Her?" 

Dudley took off his shoes. "She was so prim; I don't know how to compete with that."

"Dudley, slow down. Who are you speaking of? Did you meet some stranger?" said Newton.

"Oh, she's not a stranger" Dudley sighed. "We've met before."

"You have? Where?" said Newton.

"Once upon a dream" was Dudley's instant answer.

Newton rolled his eyes. "Dudley. What's all this dream nonsense?"

"Oh, it wasn't a dream. She was in the tea area, old boy. She was French and... I s'pose she lulled me away from my previous thoughts" Dudley explained.

"I see" said Newton.

"But she was so lovely, and we danced... and I'd expect she would sweep you off your feet if you ever saw her" said Dudley.

"Perhaps. She does sound charming" said Newton. 

"Oh, she is" Dudley sighed.

"Did she reveal her name?" said Newton.

"She said her name was Angelique."

"Angelique. That's beautiful."

"So beautiful... and it matches her angelic persona" said Dudley.

"Then I s'pose you'll be dreaming more of her tonight. As it is, we'd best get to bed. Tomorrow, we'll figure out where we're going" said Newton.

"Yes. Good night, Newton" said Dudley.

"Good night, Dudley" said Newton. 

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