Chapter 30

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In the tea area, Agathe and Claude were having cups of tea. 

They were sitting across from each other, but they both had angry looks on their faces.

Angelique and Henri were sitting at another table across from them. 

"I am so sorry Monsieur Leicester collapsed" said Henri.

"I am more sorry I will never know if he is alright" said Angelique. "But this may be the best thing for him; Mamon can no longer torture him."

"But what about us?" said Henri. "I no longer believe this betrothal will stop the feud."

Angelique sighed. "I do not know, mon ami."

Camille and Atticus came over just then.

"Camille, you are still engaged to this man?" said Angelique.

"No, ma soeur. He is merely a friend" said Camille.

"I thought I'd be her company, given the state of things" said Atticus.

"That is very kind of you, Monsieur..." Angelique began.

"Penmbroke, miss" said Atticus. 

Newton was making it to the area just then. 

"Monsieur Weekes" said Henri.

"Monsieur Babineaux" Newton greeted. 

"What are you doing here, Newton? You must leave before Mamon sees you" said Angelique.

"Angelique, I've come to inform you how much Dudley needs you at this tragic moment" said Newton.

"Tragic?" Angelique whispered.

"Your aunts examined him and confirmed he has peritonitis. Now he's talking like his heart's about to break. He needs you" said Newton. 

"But I cannot. I must not let him back here, or he will get into bigger trouble" said Angelique.

"Then don't let him here; just see him in our compartment" said Newton. 

"Newton... are you alright?" said Atticus.

"Just very worried about my partner, Atticus. But while I'm facing you, I must inform you as well" said Newton.

"Yes?" said Atticus.

"Dudley and I have thought about your lonely years and we realize that we know exactly how that feels" said Newton.

"Yeah, so you say" said Atticus.

"So we've decided to let you join us in our travels" said Newton. 

"You have? Why, that's... rather nice of you, but I dunno if I'm cut out to be an actor" said Atticus.

"Atticus, if there's anything I've learned from my theater career, it's that you can be anything, no matter how hard it is" said Newton.

"Well, when you put it that way, I s'pose I could join you" said Atticus.

"Splendid! So you're one of us now, eh?" said Newton.

"I think I am" Atticus confirmed.

He and Newton shook on it. 

"Congratulations, mon ami" said Camille to Atticus.

"Angelique... I think you as well should listen to Monsieur Weekes. Monsieur Leicester has been asking for you" said Henri.

Angelique took a breath and thought about how she really wanted to be there for Dudley.

"Very well" she said. 

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